Welcome to your Porn Addiction Self-Assessment

Pornography has grown in popularity over the past few decades and is now more accessible than ever before. The dark side of porn that is not often openly spoken about is the issue of porn addiction. Although porn is for some a short and infrequent route to achieve sexual gratification, for others it can become an encompassing addiction that requires treatment.


If you sense that you are experiencing an increasing desire to watch pornography frequently and in inappropriate settings, you may have a porn addiction. This type of addiction can cause breakdowns in relationships, have negative impacts on your ability to function and enjoy daily tasks and cause general disruption to your life.

In the digital age, addiction to porn has become increasingly common and a big problem in society. If you feel like you may be experiencing a porn addiction, take our self-evaluation test on this page to find out your results. This test is not a diagnosis – it is instead an indicator that you have this problem.


Am I Addicted To Porn?

The symptoms of porn addiction can be difficult to distinguish, and it can also be tricky to know if you are actually suffering from porn addiction as porn habits are not openly spoken about socially. As a result of the secrecy surrounding porn addiction, it can be very difficult to know if you have a problem that needs treatment or where to get help.

Some signs that you have a porn addiction include:

  • Being unable to control your sexual behaviour
  • Your porn habits have negatively influenced relationships
  • You are unable to stop watching porn for a long period of time
  • You have less interest in sex than you did previously
  • Lost periods of time – you may not be able to keep track of the time
  • Behavioural changes, including anger and distraction
  • You experience cravings to watch porn, regardless of location or company
Do you spend a lot of time thinking about pornography?

Have you ever tried to cut back on how much porn you consume?

Do you ever lose track of time while you’re watching porn?

Do you ever feel restless or irritable when you try to cut back on porn?

Have you ever lied about how much porn you actually watch?

Has pornography ever interfered with your work, school, or relationships?

Do you continue to watch/look at porn even when it has had negative consequences on your relationships or your work?

Do you ever feel guilty, sad, or anxious about watching/looking at porn?

Others have told you your porn viewing is a problem?

Do you have sexual cravings beyond your control?