Welcome to your Drug Addiction Assessment

Drug addiction is a taboo and often misunderstood condition. That’s why we have put together a free self-assessment so that you can see if you likely have a drug addiction from the comfort of your own home.

This drug addiction self-assessment is not a diagnosis, however, if your results come back as likely that you have a drug addiction, you should seek help from a medical professional. It can give you the confidence to go and seek treatment if you feel that you likely have a substance abuse problem.


Do I Have a Drug Addiction?

Quite often people who are living with drug addiction are either in denial that they have a problem, or they are embarrassed and therefore do not want to seek help. There are a variety of signs of drug addiction which should be taken seriously if you are showing any signs of them. These include:

  • Changes in behaviour such as agitation
  • Changes in personality
  • Sudden shifts in priorities
  • Increasing need for money
  • Frequent thoughts about drug use


Drug Addiction Self-Assessment

Take our drug self-assessment test to find out if you likely have a drug addiction. Make sure to visit a medical professional if you are suffering from any symptoms of drug addiction to get yourself on the road to recovery. Alternatively, if you are suffering from drug addiction, at Ocean Recovery we offer intensive rehab treatment and detox at our private residential facility to help you achieve sobriety. Contact us today to find out more.

.Are you dishonest about your drug use?

Do you ever feel guilty or ashamed about your drug use?

Do you use drugs when you are feeling depressed or angry?

Have you ever used prescription drugs in a non-medical way?

Are you unable to get through the week without using drugs?

Have you lost friends and relationships due to drinking and drug use?

When you are not taking drugs, do you obsess over drugs?

Do you participate in illegal activities in order to get your drugs of choice?

When you stop taking your drug, do you experience any withdrawal symptoms or feel sick?