Heywood Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment Centres

If you live in or near Heywood, our centre is the ideal location to start your treatment journey.

We offer inpatient rehab or outpatient rehab and a wide range of treatment options to help you beat drug and alcohol addiction.

Our drug and alcohol rehab centre in Heywood combines supervised detox programmes with alcohol and drug therapy options to help you live a fulfilling, substance-free life.


Drug and Alcohol Rehab Heywood

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Heywood

Recent years have been difficult, and because of that, more people than ever are struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction in the UK.

But along with a rise in cases of people suffering from various addictions, there has also been an increase in people coming forward to seek help to tackle their addiction head-on.

Now more than ever, rehab services are available to everyone who lives in the UK and needs help, be it from the NHS rehabilitation team or a private rehab facility.

At Ocean Recovery, we want you to know you are not alone. There are people from all over Heywood who, like you, are struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction. They too, may feel frightened and not sure what to do to make things better. But we can offer you the information and the opportunity to begin your journey toward long-term recovery.

We can help you find a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Heywood.


Is Rehab the Right Decision for you

Making the decision to actually book yourself into a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Heywood can be difficult. However, it is the start of a big change in your life.

Change is always scary; even change that you know will make your life better can feel like an impossible task.

But just because you are comfortable in your current situation, it doesn’t mean you are safe and healthy.

The best indicator that you are ready for a drug and alcohol rehab centre is that you are thinking about whether you need their services or not. People who don’t struggle with drug or alcohol addiction, don’t think about getting help for their drinking and drug habits.

But we understand that you may want proof that you do actually have an addiction and not just a bad habit.

There are some warning signs to look out for that can tell you if you have developed an addiction.

  • Are drugs or alcohol the first thing you think about in the mourning and your last thought at night?
  • Have you ever put yourself at risk in order to get more drugs or alcohol?
  • Do you feel the need to hide your drug or alcohol use or the amount you use from friends or family members?
  • Do you need to consume a lot more alcohol in order to feel drunk than other people?
  • Do you need to use a lot more drugs than other people to feel high?
  • Are you putting your health at risk for drugs or alcohol?
  • Are you putting your job at risk for drugs or alcohol?
  • Are you losing interpersonal relationships because of drugs or alcohol?
  • Have you missed important events such as birthdays, graduations or weddings because you were drunk or high?
  • Have you experienced withdrawal symptoms when you have gone an extended period of time without drugs or alcohol? Symptoms include; Headache, dry throat, hives, hot flashes, chills, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, fever, delirium, and hallucinations.

Suppose you don’t believe you have an addiction, and you just have to reduce the amount you drink or use drugs. In that case, you do have other options outside of a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Heywood.

You could join a support group such as Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous. They will be able to help you reduce your substance abuse and may even help you find a rehab centre should you decide you need one and you are ready.

You will be able to find a local support group in the Heywood area.


Are You Ready to go to Rehab?

Checking yourself into a drug and alcohol rehab can be a big step, and you may not feel ready for it, especially if it is a residential rehab.

If you are unsure, we recommend going to a support group and talking to the people who have been to a drug and alcohol rehab centre in the Heywood area. Hear about their experiences and see that there is really nothing to fear.

If, after that, you still don’t feel ready, there are options that can allow you to dip your toe in while you are trying to get ready for rehab.

Most rehabs in the Heywood area offer outpatient services. This would allow you to experience the treatments but without the pressure of such a big change. You can stay in your own home for every treatment, including an at-home detox where you will be monitored remotely.

But the best way to know if you are ready for rehab is to ask yourself if you want to change for the better. If you are ready to start working towards a happier and healthier life where you don’t have to rely on drugs or alcohol in order to maintain your mental health.

If you said yes, then you are ready for rehab. You just need to find the right one.


Finding the Right Rehab Centre

When you have made the decision to book yourself into a drug and alcohol rehab centre in the Heywood area, you may feel overwhelmed about which one to choose.

It can be difficult to know what to look for in a drug and alcohol rehab centre, especially if this is your first experience with the journey to long-term recovery.

At Ocean Recovery, we don’t want you to have to worry about anything. We know this will be a stressful time already, so our admissions team is there to make things just a little bit easier on you.

Simply call 0800 880 7596, and we can help you find the perfect drug and alcohol rehab centre that can address specific needs.


Support and Aftercare

When you have worked through your treatments, you are not suddenly on your own. A standard part of your stay at a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Heywood will be the creation of a relapse prevention plan as part of your aftercare services.

This plan will include the tools you learned during your stay to help you avoid triggers for your cravings. It may also recommend you for follow-up therapy sessions so that you can continue to be monitored regularly.

As part of the support offered, you will also be referred to a local support group in the Heywood area where you can meet and talk to people who have been where you are, and they can help you to continue to progress towards long-term recovery.


The Admissions Process

The admissions process includes you first contacting our support team via email at info@oceanrecoverycentre.com or calling at 0800 880 7596 in order to begin your pre-admission screening.

Following this, you will be asked to make a treatment deposit before you can access the rehab centre.

You will be talked through every step of the way by a member of our staff during your screening call, which should take around 20 minutes and will be done on the phone or via zoom.

We are ready and waiting to help you along your journey.


Frequently Asked Questions

Choosing the right rehab treatment provider can be a life-changing decision; here are some of the most common questions we are asked pre-admission.

How do you prepare for a stay in rehab for alcohol?

In practical terms, you may have family, work and other commitments that you need to address before entering rehab. This may involve talking to an employer about why you need time off (it’s always best to be honest about this), arranging childcare if you are a parent and making sure bills, rent or mortgages can all be paid automatically.

You might also want to prepare yourself mentally for alcohol rehab. It’s a cliché but to be successful you must really want to change and people who participate fully in a drug and alcohol rehab programme will get the greatest benefits.

How do I know when to go to rehab?

If you have a problem with your drinking or drug use, you may have an addiction problem requiring treatment. It is never too early to address such a problem and doing so quickly can help prevent you from doing long-term damage to yourself and those around you.

On the other hand, it’s never too late to seek help and many people who have been struggling for years finally manage to beat their addiction through residential rehab.

What should I bring to rehab?

You should bring a range of clothes including items for outdoor activities such as walking. You can bring personal items such as photos, reading materials and a journal or diary. You can also bring electronic devices such as laptops and smartphones, but access may be limited until after you have finished your daily treatments. You should also bring toiletries and cash and/or a debit card.