Depression is a mental health condition that can develop autonomously through an emotional influence, can be pre-existing through genetics, or can be a co-occurring disorder through a dual diagnosis.

Displayed through low, fluctuating, irrational and rollercoaster-like signs and symptoms, depression is a condition that can engulf day to day life, can cause behavioural and personality changes can become extremely serious, and can lead to further vulnerabilities.

For some, depression can be managed through anti-depressants, lifestyle changes and through self-help. However, it is important to remember that there are different types and degrees of depression, for some requiring professional support and treatment.

At Ocean Recovery, a common question that we get asked, surrounding the goal of mental health recovery is, ‘can I go to rehab with depression?’. While rehab is associated heavily with substance use disorders, specialist rehab clinics are also equipped to treat mental health disorders. See how beneficial inpatient depression treatment and rehab will be through a diagnosis, available from our private treatment centre.

Providing access to effective therapies, life-changing steps, and personalised programmes, see how rehab will be the best journey to recover from depression, beyond the mere offering of anti-depressants.


What Is Depression?

Depression is a mental health condition that heavily impacts mood, outlook, and behaviour. Someone living with depression can lead day to day life, yet can suddenly experience a rollercoaster of emotions, plummeting to extreme lows and vulnerabilities.

Caused by a multitude of variables, including genetic weaknesses, influential environments, loss, substance abuse or an extreme, unpredictable change in life, depression is both a treatable and manageable disorder. Yet to reach such stability, professional support in the form of antidepressant prescriptions, therapies and relapse prevention planning will need to be experienced.

Signs and symptoms of depression that are common, highlighting a diagnosis include a loss of interest in life, feelings of hopelessness and sadness, physical signs of exhaustion, insomnia and headaches, and a degree of anxiety.

Around 264 million people, across the world, experience a degree of depression, ranging from mild to extreme symptoms. Diagnoses can significantly differ, for some making it a manageable feeling, yet for others requiring coping strategies and initial depression treatment.

As depression can also be a secondary condition, caused by addiction, known as a dual diagnosis, it’s vital to consider rehabilitation support, which is where ‘can I go to rehab with depression?’, as a common question becomes relevant.


Can I Go To Rehab With Depression?

Visiting and experiencing rehab, with depression, will be the most beneficial process to work through. In short, yes, visiting a rehab clinic with a diagnosis of depression is possible, to treat primary or secondary forms of mental health disorders.

With suitable and specialist support, rehabilitation of addiction and/or depression can be expected, by working through treatment recommendations, recovery plans and a personalised aftercare programme.

Rehab will be the safest and most effective platform to make use of while battling depression, as a safe, positive, and private environment can be experienced, alongside 24/7 care of mental health professionals.

For some individuals, outpatient care of appropriate therapies and support will be enough. However, depression is a complex condition that can be displayed through many different forms, requiring greater care, understanding and guidance. Through inpatient depression rehab, available through a private drug and alcohol rehab offers, such levels of care will be beneficial, to recover safely and feasibly.

Selecting inpatient depression rehab will be encouraged if you’re feeling extremely low, if your emotions are fluctuating, if you feel suicidal, if you feel alone and isolated, if you’re abusing drugs and alcohol, or if depression is taking over and depleting your life.


Reasons To Seek Inpatient Depression Rehab

If you are wondering ‘can I go to rehab with depression?’, there are many reasons to seek such support through inpatient mental health rehabilitation.

Firstly, inpatient support can offer a range of services and outlets of guidance to work through the emotional, physical, and psychological impacts of depression. Offered through depression treatments and therapies, 24/7 specialist guidance of a multidisciplinary background will be expected, helping to ease the recovery process.

Secondly, co-occurring disorders, known as dual diagnosis, can be treated through inpatient depression rehab. In the event of a drug and alcohol addiction or the abuse of such substances, suitable treatments such as detoxification can be completed, benefiting dual recovery efforts.

Thirdly, symptoms of depression can be unpredictable, difficult to manage alone or through outpatient care. Visiting and residing from rehab with depression will offer the assurance of security and immediate care through any potential crisis or attack.

Lastly, residential rehab is the most effective process to alleviate mental health disorders. Equipped to treat depression, whilst offering a homely and private environment, rehabilitation is greater by experiencing the offering of inpatient care.


Treating And Managing Depression Through Rehab

Treating and managing depression will be possible through an inpatient rehab programme, usually structured to last 30 days. Reasonably, the type and degree of depression that’s experienced will influence the length and formation of rehabilitation, yet beneficial for each individual client.

Depression treatment will be recommended through a private drug and alcohol rehab, considering personal circumstances and requirements. At Ocean Recovery, we follow this approach, by assessing signs and symptoms, causes and consequences of depression. This is very important to ensure that treatment will be suitable and effective to advance clients through rehab.

Treating depression will focus mainly on psychotherapy, including cognitive behavioural therapy, stress management, group therapy and dialectical behavioural therapy. Anti-depressants can also be prescribed yet only in suitable situations, where psychological restoration isn’t enough.

Education surrounding depression, lifestyle management, relapse prevention and the promotion of healthy coping strategies will also be included within a rehabilitation programme, to reduce future experiences of depression.

Finalising residential rehab for depression, a personalised aftercare programme will be formed to adjust to life with the use of new tools, coping strategies and outlets of support, to maintain recovery.

Mental health recovery does go hand in hand with addiction rehabilitation for many. Yet finding a rehab clinic where depression can be effectively treated is very important, found through a specialist rehabilitation centre, like ours. Through either a dual diagnosis or an independent diagnosis of depression, reaching a point of management will be possible by completing a range of evidence-based therapies and treatments, only accessible through rehab.

If you’re wondering ‘can I go to rehab with depression?’, contact our team today here at Ocean Recovery for both reassurance and guidance. Visiting rehab on a residential basis will offer significant benefits, ready to experience through commitment.

John Gillen - Author - Last updated: December 14, 2021

John is one UK’s leading professionals in the addiction recovery industry. Pioneering new treatment techniques such as NAD+ and ongoing research into new therapy techniques such as systematic laser therapy, John is committed to providing the very best treatment for people throughout the UK and Europe. During his extremely busy schedule, John likes to regularly update our blog section with the latest news and trends in the industry to keep visitors to our site as well informed as possible on everything related to addiction treatment.