In order to be able to successfully manage and treat alcohol addiction, there must be an understanding also. Understanding this disease involves learning about how it develops and the ways in which your brain deals with addiction.

Helping anyone with alcohol addiction comes from a need to change and a desire to get them healthy. Excessive consumption of alcohol produces many changes in the body and the mind. A tolerance is generated and it can simply feel impossible to quit.

Symptoms of alcohol addiction include:

  • Lack of control over any substance or behaviour
  • Anger, moodiness or irritability
  • Issues sleeping (too little or too much)
  • Family/friendship isolation or removal from society
  • Problems at work (poor performance, bad time management, arguments)
  • Financial issues (trying to fund your addiction somehow)
  • Lack of interest in hobbies
  • Lack of personal hygiene, withdrawal from daily tasks
  • No motivation
  • Anxiety/depression
  • Hallucinations
  • Digestive issues

Any of the above issues can create a whirlwind of problems for you in the long and short term. If your personal or professional life is affected, it is important to reach out to repair the damage before things become irreparable.


Building A Support System

A support system is a vital component of recovery because it allows the recipient to feel cared for and heard. A support system can consist of numerous routes, including various levels of emotional support. When you feel validated, it can be motivating. When you are offered support, you no longer have to suffer in silence. To begin this network of support, it’s important to speak to your loved ones, and then first reach out to a GP.

1. Identify those that you trust and speak openly

Encouraging communication with families and friends that do not suffer from addiction can help you greatly. Tell them your worries, speak to them about the symptoms that you’re suffering from and be open in your speech. It is important to communicate clearly how you’re feeling so that the best course of action can be taken.

If you find the subject difficult to broach, you should mention that you are struggling with the addictive substance and that you want some help to find a route to healthy living.

2. Setting boundaries

Setting boundaries can assist you and your loved ones. If your addiction consists of codependency, then it may be that you both want to set boundaries, to move forwards positively. You can plan an alcohol intervention, which will allow you to set boundaries that are achievable. Many alcohol rehab facilities offer this service. Setting boundaries may also be physical, setting rules, identifying fears and troubles and saying no in the right situations.

3. Emotional support

Many community health centres and doctor’s surgeries offer information and resources. It may be that you feel more comfortable reaching out to a professional. There is nothing wrong with this. Emotional support includes offering genuine encouragement, reassurance, and compassion. Physical gestures such as phone calls, asking for updates and offering advice are all ways that you can feel supported and secure.

4. Self-help, AA and Rehab

Whilst self-help websites and forums do not provide intensive solutions, you can find information on the best rehab clinics. You can also speak with your GP, or visit a local support group. AA meetings and support centres offer you tools and group therapy to sit and share your journey with others.


Encouraging Treatment

Professional treatment is the safest way to safely remove addiction from a person’s life. If you’re suffering from alcoholism, it is important to detox and addresses the inner issues, such as mental health conditions or illnesses.

Treatment centres, such as the Ocean Recovery Centre, can provide your loved one with an array of treatments and therapies, dedicated to alcohol addiction recovery. In one simple phone call, you can discuss treatment options for an individual, with a bespoke plan created for their needs if they agree to treatment.

Furthermore, at a professional private rehab centre, you can identify potential barriers to treatment, fears about long-term sobriety, and any other factors we should consider. This includes your religion, race, beliefs and moral values. We want to help your loved one find a pathway that feels right because this offers you the highest chance of recovery.

Finally, resources are offered to help you learn about the types of treatment available. Today, there are a vast amount of world-renowned treatments, specifically crafted to maintain sobriety.


Self-Care for Support System Members

Residential rehabilitation is a gateway to change, and we will always encourage and mitigate risks associated with your mental health. Self-care practices are often encouraged, as this will help you feel in harmony with your inner self. At Ocean Recovery, seek to heal your mental health as well as your physical.

Practices such as yoga, meditation, mindfulness, sports and activity can assist in self-help and releasing happy hormones that contribute to better mental health. Seeking support, through rehab and in the community provides solid foundations.


Coping with Relapse

Whilst this isn’t a word we want to hear in recovery, relapse can occur in a small number of cases. Rehabilitation however does offer you an aftercare plan, also known as relapse prevention that offers support and guidance in the months after rehab. Learning and being prepared for the possibility of relapse is vital. This includes learning to identify the warning signs, and having a support network in place.

Certain signs to look out for would be:

  • Increased cravings for alcohol again, especially when stressed/worried
  • Becoming angry, stressed or worried easily
  • Withdrawing again from social and work activities
  • Losing motivation in life
  • Depression or anxiety symptoms

At Ocean Recovery, we seek to assist every individual with their concerns post-rehab. Sometimes relapses can occur suddenly or when you least expect them. It is less likely to happen if you continue to follow the tips and tricks learned in rehab, as well as continue your journey of self-care and keep in touch with the supporting counsellors that you have worked with.

The journey to recovery is lifelong, but it is possible. There is no need to suffer in silence. Please speak to us today and contact us if you would like more information on how to get the help you need for a loved one: 01253 847 553.

John Gillen - Author - Last updated: June 12, 2024

John is one UK’s leading professionals in the addiction recovery industry. Pioneering new treatment techniques such as NAD+ and ongoing research into new therapy techniques such as systematic laser therapy, John is committed to providing the very best treatment for people throughout the UK and Europe. During his extremely busy schedule, John likes to regularly update our blog section with the latest news and trends in the industry to keep visitors to our site as well informed as possible on everything related to addiction treatment.