Truro Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment Centres

If you are searching for addiction treatment at rehab in Truro, our team at Ocean Recovery Centre can help you – get in touch to find out more.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Truro

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres in Truro

Through residential rehab, physical and psychological distance can be experienced. Here’s where true recovery capabilities can shine, as a complete disconnect from drugs and alcohol can be achieved.

While this disconnect, to a degree, can be experienced via a drug and alcohol rehab in Truro, a definite disconnect cannot be future-proofed through remaining within your current reality.

The option of residential rehab may be new to you, causing vulnerabilities. We understand how suggesting a move from Truro, paired with this unfamiliarity can feel very daunting.

Yet, by embracing change, you can access our care at Ocean Recovery, helping you make peace with yourself on a holistic basis.

The physical and psychological distance can offer the type of peace which will be impossible by remaining within the clouded and overwhelming lifestyle that you currently lead.

By overlooking that lifestyle and leaving it behind in Truro, you can work towards overcoming addiction and bettering yourself.

Do so with our guidance at Ocean Recovery, here to make your move and encounter of drug and alcohol rehabilitation, easier and greater.


Encountering Physical and Psychological Distance

Physical distance is very important when looking to disconnect from drug and alcohol abuse.

For example, imaging withdrawing from drugs and alcohol, going through the motions of withdrawal symptoms and emotions while residing from your current environment.

That environment, in itself, maybe your causation, your comforter or your area to consume drugs and alcohol. It’s easy to see how your environment can control your potential to overcome the addictive characteristics of drugs and alcohol. With this in mind, the tangible distance will be beneficial.

Psychological distance is just as important when rehabilitating from addiction. Currently, you may feel influenced by a range of stimuli, back in Truro, to abuse drugs and alcohol.

Stimuli can be anything from stress, to certain people, to memories linked to environments or situations. It’s important to remember that our brains control the majority of an addictive habit, as once changes are made on a cognitive basis, it can be difficult to break away from the new norm.

The greatest way you can break away is by opting for psychological distance, away from influential stimuli, again offering significant addiction recovery benefits.

Together, physical and psychological distance can place you in the strongest position to overcome your drug and alcohol addiction, while making peace with yourself for the future. This distance can be experienced via a residential drug and alcohol rehab, away from Truro.


Finding Peace Beyond a Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Truro

Currently, you may feel like Truro is your happy place. Yet, it’s likely that the positive effects of drugs and alcohol will be controlling your perception.

In fact, Truro will be your place where drug and alcohol abuse, thrive, where the negatives of addiction will present themselves, and where significant withdrawal from your own happiness will be encountered.

Down to this reality, currently blurred by excessive drug and alcohol influences, looking beyond a drug and alcohol rehab in Truro will be recommended.

Through this recommendation, you’ll learn to overcome the influences of drugs and alcohol while having the opportunity to forgive yourself and forget the damages of addiction.


Making Peace via Residential Rehab

Peace is more than just forgiving yourself for the actions that you’ve enabled, linked to drug and alcohol abuse. The intention of finding peace will focus on uplifting your quality of life as a whole, where you can exist without the presence of drugs and alcohol.

Through residential rehab, this intention can be achieved by completing a 360-rehab programme. It will be catered to your needs while promoting healing efforts from addiction, while also improving your health, your wellbeing, your relationship with yourself and your lifestyle choices.

This step is very important, preparing you for a positive lifestyle, post-rehab, as you return to Truro. Via our residential rehab offering, you can experience the optimal setting to make peace with yourself, helping you return with a new lease of life.


Overcoming the Damages of Addiction Through Treatment

Drug and alcohol abuse are highly dangerous as they not only stand as highly addictive substances but substances which cause irreversible physical and psychological changes for some.

In order to overcome those dangers, vast addiction treatment services will need to be completed, helping to realign the usual functions of the body and brain.

Through the likes of detoxification, cognitive behavioural therapy, stress management, drug and alcohol relapse prevention and support groups, realignment can be achieved.

Yet, this will only be possible via a specialist drug and alcohol rehab clinic, which will be best suited on a residential basis.

By overlooking a drug and alcohol rehab in Truro you can aim for peace, along with turning the damages of addiction around.

Our Rehab Facilities

At Ocean Recovery, we are extremely proud of our state-of-the-art facility. We provide residents with the most relaxing stay possible and they can enjoy our modern establishment.

Ocean Recovery Facilities include:

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CQC Registered

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FREE Transportation Included

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Medically Assisted Detoxification

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2 Executive, Sea View Double Ensuite Rooms

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 8 Double or Single Ensuite Rooms

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3 Single Rooms with Dedicated Separate Bathroom

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Comfortable Communal Lounge with Piano & Sky TV

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Beautiful Modern Dining Lounge

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External Courtyard and Outside Seating Area

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12 Months FREE Aftercare

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Regular Contact with Loved Ones Encouraged

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Large Multi-Purpose Group Activity Room with Superb Sea Views

Images of Our Facilities

A comfortable, spacious living room in rehabilitation treatment centre, Ocean Recovery.

Facilities at Ocean Recovery

    A comfortable, spacious living room in rehabilitation treatment centre, Ocean Recovery.
    Bathroom with bath, toilet and shower in rehabilitation treatment centre, Ocean Recovery.
    Comfortable, single bed, bedroom for residents staying in a residential rehab treatment centre, Ocean Recovery.
    Bedroom in the rehabilitation residential treatment centre, Ocean Recovery, with a view of the garden and a television.
    Spacious, outside space for residents to enjoy the fresh air in a rehabilitation residential treatment centre, Ocean Recovery.
    Close-up view of state-of-the-art bathroom facilities in a rehabilitation residential treatment centre, Ocean Recovery.
    Large, open double bed, bedroom for residents to enjoy at rehabilitation residential centre, Ocean Recovery
    Open plan, double bed, bedroom with a perfect view of the outside in a rehabilitation, residential treatment centre, Ocean Recovery
    Welcoming, open plan dining room for residents to eat a nutritious meal with one another at rehabilitation residential treatment centre, Ocean Recovery
    Group therapy room for residents to take part in shared, group therapy sessions at rehabilitation residential treatment centre, Ocean Recovery
    Group therapy room, with chairs and a large scale window, for residents to take part in group therapy sessions at rehabilitation residential treatment centre, Ocean Recovery
    Large, open plan group room with a circle of chair for residents to take part in group therapy sessions with one another, at rehabilitation residential treatment centre, Ocean Recovery
A comfortable, spacious living room in rehabilitation treatment centre, Ocean Recovery.
Bathroom with bath, toilet and shower in rehabilitation treatment centre, Ocean Recovery.
Comfortable, single bed, bedroom for residents staying in a residential rehab treatment centre, Ocean Recovery.
Bedroom in the rehabilitation residential treatment centre, Ocean Recovery, with a view of the garden and a television.
Spacious, outside space for residents to enjoy the fresh air in a rehabilitation residential treatment centre, Ocean Recovery.
Close-up view of state-of-the-art bathroom facilities in a rehabilitation residential treatment centre, Ocean Recovery.
Large, open double bed, bedroom for residents to enjoy at rehabilitation residential centre, Ocean Recovery
Open plan, double bed, bedroom with a perfect view of the outside in a rehabilitation, residential treatment centre, Ocean Recovery
Welcoming, open plan dining room for residents to eat a nutritious meal with one another at rehabilitation residential treatment centre, Ocean Recovery
Group therapy room for residents to take part in shared, group therapy sessions at rehabilitation residential treatment centre, Ocean Recovery
Group therapy room, with chairs and a large scale window, for residents to take part in group therapy sessions at rehabilitation residential treatment centre, Ocean Recovery
Large, open plan group room with a circle of chair for residents to take part in group therapy sessions with one another, at rehabilitation residential treatment centre, Ocean Recovery
See More of Our Facilities
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Speak to an advisor today to find out more about the rehabilitation programmes we offer at our drug and alcohol rehab centre


Reconnecting with Yourself Post-rehab

Through drug and alcohol abuse, there’s a high chance that you may have lost yourself in the process. This is extremely sad to consider, where people’s personalities, livelihoods and wellbeing dwindle through addiction.

Yet, through drug and alcohol rehabilitation, you can begin to reconnect with yourself, which will be strengthened post-rehab. You’ll have the tools to do so, along with lifestyle recommendations to help you feel happy, healthy and positive.

Committing to the people and things you love will help you lead an existence without drugs and alcohol. Here you’ll have the opportunity to reconnect with who you are, your personal goals and a quality life back in Truro.

You can reach this point by providing yourself with physical and psychological distance through residential rehab. We can manage this distance for you to ensure that it will benefit your drug and alcohol rehab experience.

See residential rehab as a comfortable, suitable and possible route to overcoming your drug and alcohol addiction and regrets linked to your old life in Truro.