Malvern Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment Centres

Deciding to withdraw from drugs and alcohol is a big decision to make. While it may feel like a serious step, it is however, a worthwhile decision to make, which your future self will thank you for.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Malvern

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres in Malvern

Currently, you may believe that drug and alcohol rehabilitation will be impossible, that long-term recovery is off the cards for you. It’s understandable why you may believe this, especially if you’re consuming excessive quantities of drugs and alcohol, especially if you’ve previously attempted to withdraw, or especially if you know nothing else but substance abuse; all common experiences.

However, with commitment, with trust in professional guidance and treatment services, and with the grit to hold out throughout long-term recovery, you can benefit from rehab. However, not just any rehab programme; our specialist, residential programmes here at Ocean Recovery.

When deciding to recover, you may believe that selecting a local rehab clinic will offer an easier process. After all, who wants a challenging rehabilitation journey? Well, unfortunately, challenges will be present throughout any given drug and alcohol rehab journey yet will be even stronger via a local rehab offering.

See the benefits of looking beyond a drug and alcohol rehab in Malvern, by experiencing residential rehab here in Blackpool.


Deciding to Withdraw from Drugs and Alcohol

Have you already made the decision that enough is enough? This can be one of the hardest steps to take. Whether that’s down to a significant reliance on drugs and alcohol, or the blurred perception excessive abuse results in, it can take some time for a definite decision to be made.

With this in mind, if you’re already in the mindset to recover, it’s important that you understand how far you’ve already come in the drug and alcohol rehabilitation process.

If you’re struggling with this step, please do not worry, as most individuals will experience this thought process. With professional guidance, you will soon be in the swing of things to prepare for rehab on physical and psychological levels.

The best way you can work towards this definite decision is to open up. We appreciate that this may feel like your worst nightmare. We understand that you may struggle to share your drug and alcohol problems down to your initial causation. However, we also recognise the damage of the ongoing enablement of substance abuse.

With this in mind, if you’re finding it hard to open up on a personal level, it’s time to source professional support.

At Ocean Recovery, we are here to offer a listening ear, helping you acknowledge your drug and alcohol addiction, and see the necessity of rehab. From here, you’ll be ready to begin your drug and alcohol rehab programme, fully invested on both physical and psychological levels.


The Benefits of Overlooking a Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Malvern

Once you’ve bypassed the challenges of acknowledgement, it’s now time to select the most fitting rehab programme. Naturally, you may aim for the easier option, of selecting a drug and alcohol rehab in Malvern. This is commonly the case, especially for clients who’ve struggled with their initial acknowledgement stage.

It is, however, important to note that, drug and alcohol rehab as a whole, isn’t easy. Whether you select a local rehab clinic for convenience, challenges will still arise. Yet, for the majority of individuals, those challenges will be even greater whilst remaining around familiarity.

Down to the deterrent of familiarity, especially for those with strong psychological associations to drugs and alcohol, there are many benefits of overlooking a Malvern based rehab clinic, ready to embrace residential addiction treatment. Firstly, you can tackle the challenges of rehab, easier, by removing yourself from everyday influences.

This can be anything from your lifestyle, your routine, your workplace or your relationships. With this in mind, removing yourself from those influences will allow for a concentrated and worthwhile drug and alcohol rehabilitation process.

Secondly, you will have the ability to complete an intensive programme of addiction treatments, as you’ll be residing from a medically driven rehab clinic. You’ll have everything under one roof to preserve your health and safety, while you benefit from addiction treatment options.

Yet, the greatest benefit is that your long-term recovery rates will advance, by providing yourself with the most optimal environment to overcome drug and alcohol abuse. This, with the quality of your rehab programme, will strengthen your capabilities to return back to Malvern with new, healthy skills to prevent relapse.

It’s understandable that you may not warm to residential rehab from the start. However, it is the most comfortable, invaluable rehab experience you can encounter, ultimately making this approach to rehab, easier in the long-term.


Our Treatment Services at Ocean Recovery

As mentioned above, a key benefit of residential rehab, over selecting a drug and alcohol rehab in Malvern is the access to and quality of available addiction treatment services. This is a customary here at Ocean Recovery, ensuring that our clients can experience the most progressive yet safe addiction treatment options.

Exact recommendations will be communicated on your admission into rehab. Yet you can expect to complete a wide range of options, commonly starting with a drug and alcohol detox, soon followed by the likes of CBT, art therapy and stress management. All clients will also experience relapse prevention to assist their post-rehab transition, returning home to Malvern with new coping strategies.

Completing a comprehensive rehab programme, full of addiction treatment services is very important. It is in fact the driving force of rehab, the exact motivator towards long-term recovery. Ensure you can experience this at an intense rate via residential rehab.

Our Rehab Facilities

At Ocean Recovery, we are extremely proud of our state-of-the-art facility. We provide residents with the most relaxing stay possible and they can enjoy our modern establishment.

Ocean Recovery Facilities include:

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CQC Registered

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FREE Transportation Included

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Medically Assisted Detoxification

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2 Executive, Sea View Double Ensuite Rooms

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 8 Double or Single Ensuite Rooms

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3 Single Rooms with Dedicated Separate Bathroom

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Comfortable Communal Lounge with Piano & Sky TV

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Beautiful Modern Dining Lounge

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External Courtyard and Outside Seating Area

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12 Months FREE Aftercare

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Regular Contact with Loved Ones Encouraged

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Large Multi-Purpose Group Activity Room with Superb Sea Views

Images of Our Facilities

Facilities at Ocean Recovery

    living room
    dining room with table
    group room
    group room
    Ocean Recovery Rehab Group Room
living room
dining room with table
group room
group room
Ocean Recovery Rehab Group Room
See More of Our Facilities


Experience the Optimal Setting to Recover

By investing in residential rehab, not only will you experience leading addiction treatment options, but you’ll also encounter optimal settings to recover from. This is again a key benefit of looking beyond a Malvern based rehab clinic as you can experience a neutral, balanced and relaxing atmosphere. This is very important to ensure that you can focus on the task at hand, which in this case, is drug and alcohol rehabilitation.

Experience our stylish and comfortable settings, our views of the ocean and our healing designed environments by looking beyond a drug and alcohol rehab in Malvern.

Only you can make this decision. Yet, once you do, you’ll be on your way towards long-term recovery with our support.