Canterbury Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment Centres

While to a degree, this is normal, as drug and alcohol abuse cause a rollercoaster experience, here’s a strong likelihood that those emotions are in fact the warning sign of a dual diagnosis.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Canterbury

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres in Canterbury

Living with an addiction is extremely tough. Negatives are expected, whether that’s reduced self-esteem, relationship problems, job losses and increased worry.

Through those negatives, irrational, sad, anxious and depressive feelings are commonly experienced, where drug and alcohol abuse fill the gap, for the short-term.

Yet through those lows, and through the adaptations caused on the brain, down to the toxicity of substance abuse, that gap cannot be filled for the long-term, where mental health issues can materialise.

Mental health issues are a topic, an illness and a taboo subject in themselves.

Yet, it is very important for addicts to understand the impacts that drug and alcohol abuse can have on their mental health, along with how their mental health can impact addiction recovery.

If you’re struggling with addiction, mental health issues or a dual diagnosis, we can help you at Ocean Recovery.

Select our specialist clinic over a generic drug and alcohol rehab in Canterbury to benefit your physical and psychological health – contact us today.


How Influential Will my Mental Health be While Recovering?

Your mental health will be very influential while recovering from drug or alcohol addiction. If you’ve struggled with your mental health this far, there is a likelihood that this could either be from exposure to drugs and alcohol, or from pre-existing cognitive weaknesses.

In order to benefit from the recovery, managing your mental health side effects is a must, which may currently feel impossible. Yet, through professional intervention, this is possible, where dual diagnosis treatment will be promoted.

Working through mental health issues is very important, as, if you leave them to fester, there’s a likelihood that they will resurface at an intensified level.

However, one of the greatest concerns is that your mental health will unravel the hard work that you’ve achieved through addiction recovery, sending you back to a place where drug and alcohol abuse is necessary.

You can overcome your addiction via a generic drug and alcohol rehab in Canterbury. Yet, to work through both brain illnesses, considering our rehab clinic in Blackpool will be recommended.


Can I Pick a Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Canterbury?

As we’ve shared above, yes you can pick a drug and alcohol rehab in Canterbury to recover from.

You may even select one which offers dual diagnosis treatment on a specialist level. Yet, one concern which commonly resurfaces around localised recovery is the impact that familiarity can have on mental health, subsequently on addiction recovery.

Remaining in your local area can act as a trigger to aggravate your mental health issues or even your problems with drugs and alcohol. Either can then influence the other, making it an even more complex situation to work through.

However, overlooking a drug and alcohol rehab in Canterbury will alleviate this complex possibility by providing you with physical distance to avoid drug and alcohol exposure, and psychological distance to regain control over your mental health.

Through residential rehab, you can encounter physical and psychological distance, a homely setting, and a comprehensive programme to move you closer towards long-term recovery.

Our Rehab Facilities

At Ocean Recovery, we are extremely proud of our state-of-the-art facility. We provide residents with the most relaxing stay possible and they can enjoy our modern establishment.

Ocean Recovery Facilities include:

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CQC Registered

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FREE Transportation Included

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Medically Assisted Detoxification

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2 Executive, Sea View Double Ensuite Rooms

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 8 Double or Single Ensuite Rooms

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3 Single Rooms with Dedicated Separate Bathroom

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Comfortable Communal Lounge with Piano & Sky TV

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Beautiful Modern Dining Lounge

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External Courtyard and Outside Seating Area

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12 Months FREE Aftercare

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Regular Contact with Loved Ones Encouraged

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Large Multi-Purpose Group Activity Room with Superb Sea Views

Images of Our Facilities

Facilities at Ocean Recovery

    living room
    dining room with table
    group room
    group room
    Ocean Recovery Rehab Group Room
living room
dining room with table
group room
group room
Ocean Recovery Rehab Group Room
See More of Our Facilities


What Type of Treatment Will I Complete Through Rehab?

Through our residential rehab clinic, you will benefit from experiencing a personal rehab programme.

Your programme will be driven by a number of different addiction treatment services which will be personally recommended for you.

Recommendations will ensure that you can maintain your physical and psychological health, while strongly advancing through the milestones of addiction recovery and mental health recovery.

Commonly, clients with an addiction will require a detoxification process to withdraw from drugs and alcohol.

They will then advance through to therapeutic treatment services, such as stress management, cognitive behavioural therapy and art therapy, with the aim to achieve the psychological repair.

Drug and alcohol relapse prevention will then be completed by all to future-proof sober living capabilities. If you’re also suffering from your mental health, dual diagnosis treatment will be promoted, helping you recover holistically and indefinitely.

We cannot guarantee that recommendations will follow suit via a generic drug and alcohol rehab in Canterbury.

Yet, through our residential rehab, personal and intensive programmes are offered to all, making our clinic a sought-after choice when considering recovery probabilities.


How Likely Are Relapse Risks?

Relapse risks can differ for each client. Factors such as their post-rehab actions and lifestyle, their mental health, their environment, and their recovery through rehab can add to those risks.

With this in mind, if a drug and alcohol rehab programme is completed, if you lead a positive post-rehab lifestyle in Canterbury, if you maintain your mental health, and if you reside from a positive environment your risks will be reduced.

However, it is important to remember that relapse can happen throughout the initial stages of recovery. They usually present themselves if clients take their foot off the gas post-rehab, where greater structure and commitment will be required.

Relapse isn’t a sign of failure, it’s a sign that greater investment of energy and time is required to maintain sober living. If you do relapse, you’ll have a strong capability of returning to sobriety, soon normalising life without drugs and alcohol.


Can I Set my Sights on Sober Living?

Yes, by selecting our rehab over a drug and alcohol rehab in Canterbury, we can encourage you to set your sights on sober living. This is highly achievable, even for those with mental health issues.

Yet, you must understand that great effort and investment is required to reach this point. Physical and psychological challenges will present themselves, which you will have guidance through.

Yet, you must drive your rehabilitation journey, by committing to whatever it takes to reach sobriety. Work through the positives and negatives of drug and alcohol rehabilitation with our team at Ocean Recovery.

We can also help you through mental health recovery, strengthening your future health and recovery capabilities.