Ocean Recovery is a drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre based in Blackpool, in the North West of England. Our treatment approach to alcohol addiction is based on total abstinence.

Each and every one of our clients receives a personalised addiction treatment plan when they attend our residential rehabilitation centre. However, our treatment methodology follows some guiding principles for all treatment plans we offer.

The vast majority of people drink alcohol occasionally and socially and don’t have an alcohol addiction. Most of us are mildly aware of alcoholism, and society is not too sympathetic to those who develop this disease.

If your understanding of alcoholism is hazy at best, then make no mistake that alcohol is a highly addictive drug that kills millions of people worldwide.

In 2020, they were 8,974 deaths from alcohol-specific causes in the United Kingdom. That is an increase of 18.6% from the previous year. Unfortunately, the majority of people do not attend an alcohol rehab clinic or any other form of alcohol addiction treatment.

Alcohol is addictive both physically and psychologically. Similar to previous years, the rate of alcohol-specific deaths of males in 2020 was double the rate for females.

For these people, drinking alcohol regularly is not a choice and many people arrange their lives around drinking. If alcohol consumption stops instantaneously, a person can suffer from life-threatening withdrawal symptoms and without alcohol, people who suffer from alcoholism are unable to function.

What is Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction, alcoholism, and alcohol dependency are used interchangeably when discussing alcohol use disorder (AUD).

Alcoholism or alcohol addiction is a chronic disease; those who suffer from the illness cannot control how much alcohol they consume. This is because they experience physical alcohol dependency, and physical withdrawal symptoms will occur when this consumption is interrupted.

Whilst alcohol addiction is a debilitating illness, many who depend on alcohol will be able to function in everyday life.

Most people who suffer from alcohol dependency will continue their everyday life until they hit rock bottom. This is because alcohol dependency is a progressive illness.

If you cannot relax without needing to drink, you could be experiencing the early stages of alcohol dependency. If you cannot relax in front of the TV on a Saturday night without a drop of alcohol, you are likely experiencing a psychological dependency on alcohol.

A psychological alcohol dependency always precedes a physical alcohol dependency, so this should undoubtedly be a cause for concern.

You will know when a physical dependency develops because you will experience physical withdrawal symptoms when your blood alcohol level falls. These symptoms include nausea, sweating and experiencing tremors.

Contact Us

94 Queen's Promenade, Blackpool, FY2 9NS, Blackpool, FY2 9NS

Landline: 01253 847 553

Email: info@oceanrecoverycentre.com

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What is the Difference Between Alcohol Dependence and Alcohol Abuse?

Whilst alcohol dependency is akin to alcoholism; alcohol abuse translates to binge drinking. Alcohol abuse is not considered a disease, although you put your health in grave danger when you engage in alcohol abuse. Accidents and falls are common causes of binge drinking, as being drunk affect balance and coordination.[5]

In fact, the vast majority of fatalities from drinking alcohol are linked to alcohol abuse. This is generally because alcohol abuse is much more prevalent than alcohol dependency. If you engage in alcohol abuse and do not address your drinking, then you could become physically addicted to alcohol.

Both alcohol abuse and alcohol dependency can negatively impact your life. This includes failure to fulfil professional, family, and other social responsibilities and inflicting severe damage to your physical and mental health and well-being. Additionally, it is common to neglect hobbies and essential relationships with others.

Another sign of alcohol abuse and alcohol dependency is that you will need to ingest more and more alcohol to experience the desired effect.

As you build up a tolerance to alcohol, you become more preoccupied with alcohol i.e., you spend a lot of time thinking about consuming alcohol,  how you might obtain alcohol or when you can next drink alcohol, even in situations where it is not appropriate to do so.

If you suspect you or your loved one could be suffering from alcohol addiction, alcohol dependency or is abusing alcohol, get in touch with our admissions team today.

What are the Signs of an Alcohol Addiction/Alcohol Dependency?

Suppose you’re concerned about yourself or a loved one who may be experiencing alcohol dependency. In that case, you will benefit from knowing the various signs and symptoms of alcoholism that could justify these concerns.

Here are the classic signs of alcohol dependency:

  • You consistently worry about where your next drink is coming from. You actively arrange your life around your desire to drink alcohol.
  • You experience potent cravings to drink alcohol. Once you begin to drink alcohol, you find it almost impossible to stop.
  • You need to drink alcohol as soon as you wake up. You regularly act on these feelings so that you end up drinking in the morning, even before you eat any food.
  • You experience various physical withdrawal symptoms when you don’t drink alcohol. These symptoms stop when you drink your first alcoholic drink

If you recognise the above symptoms, contact Ocean Recovery Centre today to discuss alcohol addiction treatment options, such as alcohol rehab on 0800 880 7596.

What are the Key Causes of Alcohol Addiction?

Alcohol addiction is a complex disease of the mind. Modern science has failed to pinpoint one definitive cause, although many hypotheses are offered.

Potential causes of alcohol dependence include:

  • Biologically factors, particularly genetics and physiology [6]
  • Experiencing traumatic events in childhood or adulthood
  • Mental health problems such as anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. People with these conditions are known to ‘self-medicate’ using alcohol
  • Social factors such as culture, religion, family and work influence [6]
  • Having an ‘addictive personality’, although this is controversial

How Does Alcohol Dependency Affect My Health?

Alcohol dependency is known to damage your health in many different ways. As alcohol is a toxin, it affects all tissues in your body.

Alcohol dependency causes high blood pressure and liver failure and vastly increases the risk of strokes and alcohol-related heart disease.[7] Alcohol dependency damages your mental health too. If you suffer from alcohol addiction, you are much more likely to suffer mental health problems such as anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts.

These ailments arise because alcohol affects neurotransmitters in the brain, which are essential for sound mental health.

Our Approach to Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Following alcohol detoxification, our clients receive counselling and therapy sessions aiming to treat the psychological component of addiction. We employ a team of psychologists and therapists who administer therapy and counselling sessions to ensure clients come to terms with the damage addiction inflicts on personal, professional, and social lives.

The majority of our therapies are talking therapies, which will involve our clients discussing and uncovering the reason(s) which led to the addictive behaviour. Our clients are encouraged to make positive lifestyle changes essential for long-term recovery and to prevent relapse.

Alcohol Addiction Treatments We Offer

A list of treatment models we employ during a typical residential alcohol rehab programme include:

  • Standard detoxification
  • Rapid detoxification
  • Group Therapy
  • Individual Therapy
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
  • Psychotherapy
  • Stress Management
  • Relaxation Therapy
  • Meditation
  • Auricular acupuncture

Our Rehab Facilities

At Ocean Recovery, we are extremely proud of our state-of-the-art facility. We provide residents with the most relaxing stay possible and they can enjoy our modern establishment.

Ocean Recovery Facilities include:

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CQC Registered

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FREE Transportation Included

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Medically Assisted Detoxification

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2 Executive, Sea View Double Ensuite Rooms

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 8 Double or Single Ensuite Rooms

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3 Single Rooms with Dedicated Separate Bathroom

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Comfortable Communal Lounge with Piano & Sky TV

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Beautiful Modern Dining Lounge

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External Courtyard and Outside Seating Area

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12 Months FREE Aftercare

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Regular Contact with Loved Ones Encouraged

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Large Multi-Purpose Group Activity Room with Superb Sea Views

Images of Our Facilities

A comfortable, spacious living room in rehabilitation treatment centre, Ocean Recovery.

Facilities at Ocean Recovery

    A comfortable, spacious living room in rehabilitation treatment centre, Ocean Recovery.
    Bathroom with bath, toilet and shower in rehabilitation treatment centre, Ocean Recovery.
    Comfortable, single bed, bedroom for residents staying in a residential rehab treatment centre, Ocean Recovery.
    Bedroom in the rehabilitation residential treatment centre, Ocean Recovery, with a view of the garden and a television.
    Spacious, outside space for residents to enjoy the fresh air in a rehabilitation residential treatment centre, Ocean Recovery.
    Close-up view of state-of-the-art bathroom facilities in a rehabilitation residential treatment centre, Ocean Recovery.
    Large, open double bed, bedroom for residents to enjoy at rehabilitation residential centre, Ocean Recovery
    Open plan, double bed, bedroom with a perfect view of the outside in a rehabilitation, residential treatment centre, Ocean Recovery
    Welcoming, open plan dining room for residents to eat a nutritious meal with one another at rehabilitation residential treatment centre, Ocean Recovery
    Group therapy room for residents to take part in shared, group therapy sessions at rehabilitation residential treatment centre, Ocean Recovery
    Group therapy room, with chairs and a large scale window, for residents to take part in group therapy sessions at rehabilitation residential treatment centre, Ocean Recovery
    Large, open plan group room with a circle of chair for residents to take part in group therapy sessions with one another, at rehabilitation residential treatment centre, Ocean Recovery
A comfortable, spacious living room in rehabilitation treatment centre, Ocean Recovery.
Bathroom with bath, toilet and shower in rehabilitation treatment centre, Ocean Recovery.
Comfortable, single bed, bedroom for residents staying in a residential rehab treatment centre, Ocean Recovery.
Bedroom in the rehabilitation residential treatment centre, Ocean Recovery, with a view of the garden and a television.
Spacious, outside space for residents to enjoy the fresh air in a rehabilitation residential treatment centre, Ocean Recovery.
Close-up view of state-of-the-art bathroom facilities in a rehabilitation residential treatment centre, Ocean Recovery.
Large, open double bed, bedroom for residents to enjoy at rehabilitation residential centre, Ocean Recovery
Open plan, double bed, bedroom with a perfect view of the outside in a rehabilitation, residential treatment centre, Ocean Recovery
Welcoming, open plan dining room for residents to eat a nutritious meal with one another at rehabilitation residential treatment centre, Ocean Recovery
Group therapy room for residents to take part in shared, group therapy sessions at rehabilitation residential treatment centre, Ocean Recovery
Group therapy room, with chairs and a large scale window, for residents to take part in group therapy sessions at rehabilitation residential treatment centre, Ocean Recovery
Large, open plan group room with a circle of chair for residents to take part in group therapy sessions with one another, at rehabilitation residential treatment centre, Ocean Recovery
See More of Our Facilities
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Speak to an advisor today to find out more about the rehabilitation programmes we offer at our drug and alcohol rehab centre

Addiction Treatments Goals

Our alcohol addiction treatment models prevent clients from relapsing upon leaving our centre.

Unhealthy psychological states which allow addictions to thrive are cut off at their core and replaced with positive coping strategies which aid long-term recovery.

Our therapy sessions are intense and are conducted to ensure learning has taken place. Staff and clients often describe our therapy as ‘mental healing’, and therapy takes place once initial detoxification has successfully been tackled.

What are Alcohol Addiction Withdrawal Symptoms?

If you are physically dependent on alcohol, you will experience a range of discomfort and even deadly alcohol withdrawal symptoms if you abruptly stop drinking alcohol. These symptoms will happen within two-to-three hours after the last drink was consumed.

Below, we list some of the more common symptoms of alcohol addiction withdrawal you will likely experience if you suffer from alcohol dependency:

  • Tremors – particularly in the hands
  • Sweating
  • Nausea
  • Hallucinations
  • Seizure/fits
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Insomnia

If you experience the above symptoms when you stop drinking alcohol for any length of time, it’s likely to engage in ‘relief drinking’. This is when you drink merely to stop yourself from experiencing the above withdrawal symptoms.

Post-Rehabilitation Treatment

Alcohol addiction treatment extends beyond the duration of residential alcohol rehabilitation in the form of after-care and extended care.

After-care and relapse prevention go some way to ensuring recovery is lasting. Patients receive a tailored relapse prevention plan and will be assigned to a relapse support team.

This resource becomes particularly useful if clients relapse or relapse upon leaving our centre. We encourage our clients to work with local Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous groups once residential rehabilitation has concluded.

Enhanced Aftercare

Our New Enhanced Aftercare interventions are designed to help you and your loved ones begin a new journey to long-term recovery, improving your health, wellbeing, and relationships.

Our range of enhanced 1-1 sessions are designed to ensure that you can make your recovery dreams a reality and to keep you on the right path to your new future. Find out more about our enhanced aftercare service.

Getting Help for Alcohol Dependency

If you suspect you or a loved one could be suffering from alcohol dependency, it is important to seek professional help before it is too late. If you experience alcohol withdrawal symptoms, you will likely require a medically assisted detox.

We offer this service at Ocean Recovery Centre through our alcohol addiction treatment programme. To learn more about attending our residential rehab clinic, call us today on 0800 880 7596.


View Our Centre - 3D Tour

Our seaside residential rehabilitation centre boasts stunning views of its surroundings while maintaining a homey feeling inside to aid rest and recovery. At Ocean Recovery, we can host up to 13 people at one time to ensure bespoke and dedicated care with exclusive sea-view rooms for a touch of luxury.

Take a look inside and explore our modern yet cosy drug and alcohol rehab facilities.

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Alcohol Addiction Treatment Common Misconceptions

If you or a loved one are suffering from a drinking problem, then looking at getting help through the use of alcohol addiction treatment programmes can be tough to accept. We are regularly asked many different questions about this, so we’ve answered some of the most common ones below, as we believe they will help you.

I try to limit my alcohol intake to 14 units every week. I often feel drowsy the next morning and very thirsty. I understand that my alcohol intake is within NHS guidelines. How do I know if I am damaging my health?

NHS guidelines are just that, guidelines. If you are drinking every week then you are classed as a frequent or regular drinker. The health risks involved with increased consumption of alcohol on a regular basis are very well documented.


I only drink once a week and consume less than the 14 units per week as recommended by the NHS. Does this mean that my health is still at risk?

What is binge drinking? It’s when you drink a lot of alcohol over a short space of time – normally just a few hours. Binge drinkers are often more prone to find themselves the subject of accidents, often through behaviour that they would, when sober, consider reckless. Information on the NHS website suggests that you should spread your alcohol use over several days. It is also advisable to have some days when you do not drink any alcohol at all to allow your body to recover.


My wife and I are trying to start a family. Our friends tell us that it is still safe for her to drink alcohol if it is only a small amount. Is this true?

It is recommended by the NHS that women should not drink any alcohol at all while trying to conceive. It is also harmful to the baby for pregnant women to consume any alcohol during pregnancy especially in the early months. Men should also limit their alcohol consumption during this time.


I have drunk alcohol for many years and believe that I am still healthy. However, my family say I should reduce my alcohol intake. Are they right to worry?

Ongoing and persistent consumption of alcohol puts you at a very real and heightened risk of vulnerability to serious health conditions. You should speak to your GP about a health review. Conditions such as heart diseaseliver disease, and liver cancer can remain undetected and can be caused by persistent alcohol misuse.


I know I drink more than the recommended guidelines and I drink every day. My family keep complaining about my behaviour but I do not understand why they do this. Can you help?

Dependent drinking is when someone is no longer in control of their alcohol drinking. Dependent drinkers are often the last people to acknowledge or recognise their problems. Perhaps a candid discussion with a third party might help you to decide whether you wish to continue with your current lifestyle or not.


My alcohol consumption is spiralling out of control and I find it hard to limit myself to just two or three drinks a week. I am considering stopping completely is this safe?

If you are dependent upon alcohol and you decide to stop altogether or significantly cut back, you are likely to experience significant physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms. Hand tremors, depression, sweating, hallucinations, and anxiety are common. In more serious cases, sudden alcohol withdrawal can cause seizures. We would suggest that you speak to your GP before taking any course of action.


I think my friend might be misusing alcohol. We always have a good time together when we go out for a drink at the weekend but she also drinks by herself through the week. How can I tell if she has a problem?

If you think your friend has a problem then it is likely she is regularly drinking more than the recommended daily limit. You might notice that, often, she can’t remember what happened when she has been drinking because of the amount she is drinking. Other early warning signs include her failure to do what is expected of her because of her excessive drinking. You might notice that she is missing appointments or turning up late for work because she has a hangover.


My partner has struggled with alcohol misuse for many years and as I have always made excuses for him he now feels that his behaviour is acceptable. I do not feel able to continue in our relationship but I don’t want to desert him either. What can I do to help him?

It appears that you have developed coping strategies over a long period of time in order to deal with your partner’s problem. At this stage, it seems that you are still taking ownership of the problem.

One solution is to adopt an approach of tough love and give him an ultimatum. If he is not prepared to address his problem, then you cannot remain in a relationship with him. Only if he takes ownership of the problem will he feel motivated to seek help. He will still need your support in the future if you are willing to support him whilst he engages with appropriate services to help him safely reduce his alcohol intake.

Frequently Asked Questions

Choosing the right rehab treatment provider can be a life-changing decision; here are some of the most common questions we are asked pre-admission.

Do You Support Alcoholics Anonymous?

Yes we do. We advise our clients to become part of support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous, as they are a great way of supporting your recovery.

Can You Die From Alcohol Addiction?

If an alcohol addiction isn’t treated then it could end up progressing to the point of developing life-threatening illnesses. In addition to this, alcohol poisoning can occur when you drink too much over a short period. This can result in a coma or death – sometimes even without warning signs.

Does Rehab Always Cure Alcohol Addiction?

Currently, there is no “cure” as such for alcohol addiction. Fortunately we provide a number of different, effectively managed treatment options which have a high success rate.

How Does An Alcohol Addiction Start?

Like all addictions, alcohol addiction will start with experimentation, then a change in drinking habits will lead to stages of abuse, problem drinking and dependancy before actually becoming an addiction.

Will medication be used during my alcohol addiction treatment?

Due to the side effects that can be experienced during the detoxification phase of treatment, we are able to prescribe medication such as Benzodiazepines which can help prevent the risk of severe withdrawal symptoms such as Seizures.

Do all people experience similar withdrawal symptoms?

Withdrawal symptoms vary depending on the individual. Some individuals experience main symptoms that come from withdrawal while others may not experience many effects from the process. The severity of the symptoms is not consistent with every individual as it varies from person to person.

What is the recommended alcohol intake in the UK?

It’s recommended by the government that your weekly alcohol intake should be no more than 14 units, this is equivalent to:

  • 6 glasses of wine
  • 6 glasses of beer
  • 14 25ml measures of spirits

If you find that you’re constantly drinking more than the recommended intake then it is likely that you have developed an addiction and require urgent treatment.

John Gillen - Author - Last updated: December 22, 2023

John is one UK’s leading professionals in the addiction recovery industry. Pioneering new treatment techniques such as NAD+ and ongoing research into new therapy techniques such as systematic laser therapy, John is committed to providing the very best treatment for people throughout the UK and Europe. During his extremely busy schedule, John likes to regularly update our blog section with the latest news and trends in the industry to keep visitors to our site as well informed as possible on everything related to addiction treatment.

Dr Adel Ghaly

Dr Adel Ghaly - Clinical Reviewer - Last reviewed: December 20, 2023

MB BCh, Psychological Medicine (Substance Misuse Psychiatry) from 2002

Dr Adel Ghaly is a registered Doctor who is a specialist psychiatrist. Dr Ghaly gained an MB BCh in 1982 from Assiut University and has since become a substance misuse specialist and psychiatrist. After gaining his qualification in Psychological Medicine (Substance Misuse Psychiatry) in 2002, Dr Ghaly has worked in hospitals and as a specialist trainer recognised by the GMC.