Bristol Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment Centres

Are you based in Bristol, battling through the emotional rollercoaster of addiction? An addiction is a mental health and behavioural illness, difficult to manage without specialised support. Call us today on 01253 847 553 for FREE and confidential advice!

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Bristol

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres in Bristol

Have you previously attempted to recover from substance abuse? Maybe you’ve already received treatment from a drug and alcohol rehab in Bristol, yet full recovery hasn’t been probable due to the inconsistency of available support? This is highly likely for the majority of those suffering with addiction.

With this in mind, if complete recovery is your goal, considering support outside of Bristol at a residential rehab facility will be promoted. Here at Ocean Recovery Centre, we pride ourselves on our leading rehab programmes, offering personalisation for all.

This approach to addiction recovery has carried great success rates for our clients, providing them with the opportunity to overcome both addiction and mental health issues. Call us today to discuss how residential rehab could work for you.


When is enough, enough?

For many individuals suffering with an addictive behaviour, gauging when enough is enough can be difficult. Suffering with a drug and alcohol addiction resembles a rollercoaster. There are many highs, providing euphoric feelings. Yet there are many lows in the form of side effects and withdrawal symptoms, influencing the need for further drug and alcohol consumption.

While riding this addiction rollercoaster, finding the best possible time to receive support can be difficult to pinpoint. Yet here at Ocean Recovery Centre, no matter how long you’ve suffered with an addiction for, whether that’s one day or decades, we recommend speaking out.

Without acknowledging that a problem is present with both drugs and alcohol, serious implications are likely to develop over time, influencing physical and psychological impairments. Likewise, chronic mental health issues are likely to advance, resulting in a dual diagnosis of depression, anxiety or paranoia.

Therefore, the longer you live with a drug and alcohol addiction for, the more damage you are allowing to enter your life; along with prolonging your addiction recovery.

Decide that enough is enough today, by providing yourself with the most effective opportunity to leave the past behind, and live a new, sober future; all possible through visiting a leading rehab centre.


Finding support and treatment near Bristol

If you’re serious about providing yourself with the chance to recover, selecting a treatment programme and rehab facility that is right for you is imperative. For those living with minor side effects and impacts of substance abuse, receiving outpatient treatment from a drug and alcohol rehab in Bristol may be the best route. Here you’ll have the opportunity to complete addiction treatment, while continuing with your daily routine. This treatment avenue can work for those who have an element of control over their drug and alcohol consumption.

Yet, for those with little control, suffering with significant negative impacts, alternative treatment programmes will be recommended, in the form of residential rehabilitation. Here, around the clock care and treatment will be provided, offering a targeted and reactive approach to addiction recovery.

Although this will result in a short relocation from Bristol, there are many benefits linked to completing consistent treatment, set away from current influences. Picture the attempt to recover while surrounded by current drug and alcohol stimulations; this would be a challenging task to complete, making long-term recovery improbable. Yet long-term recovery can be achieved by residing at a residential rehab facility, while completing a structured, personalised recovery programme.


Leading addiction treatments

By visiting our residential rehab facility, you’ll have access to our range of leading addiction treatments. Yet to further advance your progression, we will devise a personalised treatment programme for you to follow throughout rehab. For some individuals, chronic damage may have been caused to the body through substance abuse, resulting in greater medical treatment. While for other clients, substance misuse may have developed in connection with previous mental health or distressing episodes, requiring further psychological methods.

Yet for many of our clients, a combination of behavioural therapies, medical methods and social treatments will be recommended, helping the body and mind heal holistically. By targeting each angle of addiction, on a consistent basis, a greater likelihood of complete recovery is likely.

For most individuals living with a drug and alcohol addiction, an initial detox programme will be required. Here is where consumption levels will be lowered, along with removing any toxins from the body. This treatment provides a great starting point for clients throughout rehab, preparing their whole being for future treatment. For individuals suffering with a dual diagnosis, further medical methods may be required, such as medication to help work through mental health issues.

Post detoxification, psychological treatment options are commonly recommended. For many clients, a deeper psychological issue will be driving substance abuse. Our leading treatment options will help to tackle the underlying issue, along with realigning the mind for a future without drugs and alcohol. Addiction treatments commonly experienced include cognitive behavioural therapy, group therapy, motivational therapy and relapse prevention techniques.

However please be aware that treatment programmes and rehab timeframes will vary, all depending on personal needs, addiction history, current health and future goals. Yet, the common consensus ensures that all clients are prepared to return home to Bristol, armed with life-saving tools to combat any future drug and alcohol episodes.


Post rehab support here at Ocean Recovery Centre

To maintain addiction recovery, post rehab support is available for those who’ve completed a comprehensive residential programme, no matter how long it takes. Here at Ocean Recovery Centre, we appreciate how returning home can influence vulnerabilities. Therefore, our aim is to guide you through to your new reality by offering alcoholic and narcotic anonymous sessions, along with our ongoing advice.

Our passion is to ensure clients experience a positive and worthwhile rehab journey, resulting in their set end goals. Recovering from a drug and alcohol addiction is highly probable through our comprehensive, consistent treatment programmes and leading facilities.

Call our team today to discuss the most beneficial treatment route for you. As touched on above, if a mild impact from substance abuse is experienced, attending a drug and alcohol rehab in Bristol could be effective. Yet, for the best end results, investing into residential rehab will be recommended.

Our Rehab Facilities

At Ocean Recovery, we are extremely proud of our state-of-the-art facility. We provide residents with the most relaxing stay possible and they can enjoy our modern establishment.

Ocean Recovery Facilities include:

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CQC Registered

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FREE Transportation Included

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Medically Assisted Detoxification

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2 Executive, Sea View Double Ensuite Rooms

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 8 Double or Single Ensuite Rooms

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3 Single Rooms with Dedicated Separate Bathroom

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Comfortable Communal Lounge with Piano & Sky TV

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Beautiful Modern Dining Lounge

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External Courtyard and Outside Seating Area

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12 Months FREE Aftercare

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Regular Contact with Loved Ones Encouraged

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Large Multi-Purpose Group Activity Room with Superb Sea Views

Images of Our Facilities

Facilities at Ocean Recovery

    living room
    dining room with table
    group room
    group room
    Ocean Recovery Rehab Group Room
living room
dining room with table
group room
group room
Ocean Recovery Rehab Group Room
See More of Our Facilities