Midlothian Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment Centres

If you have attempted to contact a drug and alcohol rehab in Midlothian, but face a prolonged waiting time, contact us today.

Showing no signs of slowing, if your loved one has become addicted to a substance, we would urge you to seek help.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Midlothian

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres in Midlothian

What Are the Signs and Symptoms That A Drug Addiction Is Present?

If you have become increasingly concerned about changes in your loved one’s behaviour, appearance and mental state, you have most likely attempted to uncover what has happened to cause these changes to arise.

It is likely that you have also attempted to talk to your loved one. However, in doing so, you may have felt rejected.

If you are sure that something is not quite right, and you have reason to believe that a drug addiction is impairing your loved one’s life, it may be worth looking at the below signs and symptoms that come hand in hand with a drug addiction.

Behavioural Symptoms That a Drug Addiction Is Present;

  • –           Extreme agitation
  • –           Sudden mood swings that become increasingly frequent
  • –           Lack of interest in things that they used to enjoy
  • –           Becoming increasingly absent in the home or at work
  • –           Failing to commit to their usual commitments
  • –           Avoiding certain people or locations
  • –           Spending a large amount of money
  • –           Asking to borrow money on a recurring basis
  • –           Finding it difficult to complete basic tasks


Physical Symptoms That a Drug Addiction Is Present;

  • –           Enlarged pupils
  • –           Unexpected weight loss or weight gain
  • –           Bloodshot eyes
  • –           Slurred speech
  • –           Lack of personal hygiene
  • –           Lack of interest in personal appearance
  • –           Nausea
  • –           Complaining of headaches
  • –           Trouble walking
  • –           Loss of appetite


Psychological Symptoms That a Drug Addiction Is Present;

  • –           Hallucinations
  • –           Heightened anxiety
  • –           Becoming increasingly paranoid
  • –           Insomnia and trouble sleeping
  • –           Changes in their personality
  • –           Increase confusion
  • –           Depression

Upon reviewing the above information, if you are confident that an addiction is present, we would encourage you to contact us as soon as possible.

Although your first instinct may be to find a drug and alcohol rehab in Midlothian, or contact your family doctor, when you call us, we can provide immediate support and advice.


What Causes an Individual to Become Addicted to Drugs?

From mental health conditions to stress and genetics to family history, there are a plethora of factors that cause an individual to become addicted to drugs.

Stress is thought to be one of the most significant contributing factors to drug addictions, as are mental health conditions.  It is believed that 70% of individuals living with anxiety, depression or post-traumatic stress disorder will at some point suffer from an addiction.

This is because substances can momentarily reduce the repercussions that mental health conditions have.

Although it is entirely normal to try to understand why your loved one may have become addicted to drugs, it is best not to jump to any conclusions.

It is important to remember that the factors that have led one individual to battle an addiction will be entirely different from the cause of someone else’s addiction.

Over time, if your loved one is comfortable in doing so, they may talk to you about their addiction. We would advise that you do not push them to do this.

In many cases, individuals will keep their internal battles a secret to protect the ones they love.


What Support Is Available?

Over the last few years, the Scottish Government has acknowledged the drug crisis that the country faces.

In turn, they have supplied additional funding to ensure that individuals with drug addictions can take advantage of services to help them overcome their addictions.

Although this funding has ensured that there is an increase in rehabilitation beds and services provided to NHS Scotland, those battling addictions still face waiting times that see them struggle to obtain life-saving treatment.

Here at Ocean Recovery Centre, we provide private residential rehab treatment to those in need.  We offer tailored rehabilitation treatment programmes that help individuals from all walks of life overcome their addiction.

Our treatment programmes see those with drug addictions withdraw from substances and undergo therapy to delve into the factors that have contributed to their addiction.

While this is often difficult, coming to understand what has caused an addiction to arise aids the development of coping strategies that can be employed throughout life.


What Can I Do to Support My Loved One?

As you determine that rehab is in your loved one’s best interest, you will likely find yourself asking what you can do in the interim to support them.

We would ask you to refrain from taking matters into your own hands as the admissions process is completed.  Instead, it is essential to ensure that your loved one knows that you are there for them every step of the way.

Gaining an understanding of the treatment your loved one may be subject to in rehab will also enable you to support your loved one.

If you decide to refer your loved one to our treatment centre, please feel free to ask us any questions that you have.


Why Choose Ocean Recovery Centre?

Although you may want to consider a drug and alcohol rehab in Midlothian, time truly is of the essence when it comes to drug addictions.  Left untreated for even a short period can have detrimental consequences.

At Ocean Recovery Centre, we abolish the need to wait for public support to become available.  Our private residential rehab can provide immediate assistance, enabling you to refer your loved one for treatment at our centre within days.

In addition to providing instant assistance, our recovery centre boasts a wealth of amenities and outstanding treatment programmes.

Combined, we can help your loved one overcome their drug addiction in a comfortable, tranquil environment.


Contact Us Today

After reviewing various drug and alcohol rehabs in Midlothian, if you have determined that our residential rehab is better suited to your loved one, please contact us today.

Together, we can ensure that your loved one receives the help they need to overcome their addiction.