Latest Blogs

Is Alcohol Addiction Dangerous?

23rd November 2015

Alcohol addiction is a complex addiction that has significant implications for both individuals who are struggling with alcoholism, as well as wider society. Alcohol addiction is not only excessive drinking; it is a chronic and potentially life-threatening disease which is characterised by an uncontrollable craving for alcohol, loss of control when consuming alcohol, and withdrawal

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How to Stop Taking Cocaine

23rd November 2015

Have you been wondering lately how to stop taking cocaine but are finding it hard to overcome? Cocaine abuse is a common addiction that many people suffer from around the world. Cocaine is a stimulant which is highly addictive. The majority of people using cocaine consume it in powder form, however, some cocaine addicts will

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Concerns Raised Over Computer Assisted CBT

23rd November 2015

Over the last five years, we have witnessed the rise of online cognitive behavioural therapy sessions. These mental health treatments aim to treat the underlying emotional causes of mental health ailments such as depression. This treatment is formally known as Computer-assisted CBT (CCBT)   What is CCBT? CCBT (Computerised Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) is a self-help

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Does Omega 3 Help Depression?

23rd November 2015

A new report published by researchers at the University of Bournemouth casts serious doubt on claims that omega-3 fatty acid supplements are an effective treatment for clinical depression. The study took 26 randomised controlled trials consisting of 1500 adults. Each adult in the study suffered from clinical depression. Some participants were given omega-3 whilst others

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Am I addicted to Alcohol?

23rd November 2015

In this post, we answer the burning question ‘Am I an Alcoholic?‘ If you have asked this important question, perhaps you have typed this into a search engine, then what follows could be the most important message you hear this year! If you have asked ‘Am I an Alcoholic?’ then it is highly likely you

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NHS Funds Treatment for Internet Addiction

30th October 2015

In a rather controversial turn of events the National Health Service (NHS) announces it will allocate budget to treat clients who suffer from internet addiction. This is despite funds being obliterated in recent years towards treating drug and alcohol addiction. Even treatment programmes designed to treat terminal illnesses such as cancer have been given the

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Smoking During Rehab Increases Risk of Relapse

30th October 2015

At Ocean Recovery Centre our alcohol treatment aids hundreds of clients each and every year. Many of these clients smoke up to forty cigarettes each and every day. Our alcohol treatment programme also addresses the issue of nicotine addiction, although this is incidental to alcohol addiction. A new report published in Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental

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Month Long Alcohol Break Gives Huge Health Benefits

30th October 2015

A ground-breaking new report reveals a month break from booze affords huge health benefits including weight loss, lower blood pressure and a rejuvenated liver. The study, conducted by the Royal Free hospital and oversaw by liver specialist Gautam Mehta, examined the health of men and women in their 40s who participated in Alcohol Concern’s “Dry

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15-24 Year Olds on Anti-Depressant More Likely to Commit Violent Crimes

1st October 2015

A new study conducted by researchers at Oxford University and published in the Public Library of Science Medicine journal reveals people aged between 15 to 24 who take anti-depressants are much more likely to be arrested or convicted for committing violent crimes. Fortunately this risk did not extend to other age groups. The most common

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Heroin and Morphine Deaths Highest Since 1993

19th September 2015

Sadly the number of people dying due to a heroin or morphine overdose has risen sharply this year. This means England is following the trend set in America where the number of opiate related deaths has dramatically increased over the last twenty-four months. During 2014 a massive 952 died in England due to a heroin

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