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Scotland Rising Drug Deaths Now The Highest On Record

29th August 2015

This week the National Records of Scotland published its annual Drug-related Deaths in Scotland report covering the year 2014. According to the report drug related deaths are now at their highest levels since records began in 1996. During 2014 the report states 613 people died in Scotland due to a drug overdose. This is a

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How to Manage Anxiety

29th August 2015

Anxiety is a perfectly healthy emotion when you are faced with a legitimate danger. However, some people have unhealthy anxiety levels, which can severely impact their daily lives. Those who suffer from substance addiction are also likely to experience unhealthy anxiety levels. Because of this, dual-diagnosis treatment approaches are often used in rehab clinics, which

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Youth Ecstasy Use at 10 Year High

4th August 2015

The Home Office’s annual drug misuse report, Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) reveals a huge increase in ecstasy use amongst under-25s. During 2015, one-in-twenty of 18 to 24-year-olds’ surveyed admitted to consuming ecstasy in the prior twelve months before being surveyed. At Ocean Recovery Centre we can ourselves attest to an increase in

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Drinking Amongst Pregnant Women on Rise

4th August 2015

A recent study conducted by the University of Cambridge and published in the BMJ Open Journal reveals widespread alcohol consumption amongst pregnant women, particularly during the first twelve months of pregnancy. The study concludes alcohol use amongst women is ‘prevalent and socially pervasive across all social and economic glasses’. The study’s results The study surveyed

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Alcohol Price Cuts Reduces Crime in Canada

4th August 2015

A recent study drawing on nine years’ worth of data reveals minimum alcohol unit pricing reduced alcohol-related crimes by 10% in British Columbia between 2002-2010. Vehicle-related alcohol crimes reduced by a staggering 18.8%. Crimes reduced also included occurrences of serious crimes such as rape, murder and other violent crimes. Minimum alcohol unit pricing also decreased

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Lib Dems Call for Decriminalisation of Possession

27th June 2015

Next week the House of Lords is to discuss the Psychoactive Substances Bill. This Bill aims to outlaw all ‘legal highs’ in the United Kingdom. Click here to learn more about the Bill. Pre-empting this discussion the Liberal Democrat’s home affairs spokesman, Lord Paddick, has formally asked the Government to legalise cannabis for medicinal purposes

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Rise in Alcohol Related Hospital Admissions

27th June 2015

An annual study conducted by the Health and Social Care Information Centre (SSCIC) reveals drink-related hospital admissions increased during 2013-14. Drink-related hospital admissions have now increased year-on-year since 2003-04. Admissions rose by 5% compared to 2012-13. All figures relate to England. During 2013-14 there was 1,059,210 drink-related hospital admissions. This figure is 50,360 more than admissions

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Blanket Ban on Legal Highs Announced

14th June 2015

Last week a blanket ban on ‘legal highs’ was proposed in the Queen’s Speech. Those who ignore the ban risk a prison sentence up to a maximum of seven years. Some have deemed the legislation ‘reactionary’ and ‘draconian’. The legislation bans all psychoactive substances. The bill is likely to become law in April 2016. The

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How to Deal with Alcohol Cravings

14th June 2015

The reason that so many people struggle with alcohol addiction is that alcohol cravings can be extremely difficult to overcome without professional support. To succeed in addiction recovery, you need to be able to deal with alcohol cravings. Read our tips to find out how to deal with alcohol cravings and achieve recovery today.  

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The Threat of Home Made Heroin

27th May 2015

  Scientists warn of the threat posed by developments in heroin production. The notion of ‘home made’ heroin would have been laughable only a few short years ago. Not so anymore. Here is why: Following the development of genetically altered yeast at the University of California in Berkeley, home made heroin could hit our streets

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