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UK Drug Deaths On The Rise

3rd January 2020

According to a report from the Office of National Statistics (ONS), drug deaths in the UK have increased year on year since 2013. In 2018, the ONS recorded 2,917 deaths from illicit drugs, a rise of 17%. 4,359 people died due to drug poisoning, a figure which includes deaths from controlled and non-controlled drugs, accidental

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Living With An Alcoholic Parent

27th December 2019

An alcoholic parent doesn’t just affect their children and partner, they can affect the entire family dynamic and cause ripples that affect loved ones even outside of the family home. For those who must manage and live with an alcoholic parent, whether they are an adult or a child, there are certain things that can

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How The Festive Period Can Be A Difficult Time For Addicts

18th December 2019

The holiday season is commonly described as an enjoyable time of the year. Celebrations and alcohol fuelled events are in full swing around Christmas Day and New Year. It’s a busy, overwhelming and emotional time of the year for everyone. Yet, as those celebrations occur, some individuals will feel out of place. Christmas for addicts

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Taking The First Steps Towards Recovery

13th December 2019

Recovery from addiction isn’t easy, and will take a lot of work and a lot of time until you are able to consider yourself ‘recovered’. For many addicts, though, the first steps are the hardest, as this is the point at which you have to accept that you have a problem, and make the frightening

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Is Addiction A Disease Or A Choice?

6th December 2019

Although an ever-increasing amount of research now indicates that addiction is in fact a form of brain disorder rather than a conscious choice, many people still suffer from the stigma that is attached to drug or alcohol addiction. As with raising awareness that has come with mental health issues, there is no reason why addiction

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Big Pharma Under Fire For The Opioid Crisis

28th November 2019

As the opioid crisis continues to grow in America, it is gratifying to many that the multibillion dollar companies who manufacture and distribute the drugs are beginning to face the consequences of their actions. In August of this year, an Oklahoma judge ruled against Johnson & Johnson, a company which manufactures prescription opioids and also

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PTSD and Addiction

22nd November 2019

Although seemingly unrelated conditions, PTSD and addiction are commonly diagnosed together. Those who develop PTSD because of a traumatic event or experience often use alcohol or drugs to manage and cope with their symptoms. Drug and alcohol substance abuse can become just as much of a problem as PTSD symptoms, and those suffering from both

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The Dangers of Non-Alcoholic Beer

19th November 2019

For those in recovery from alcohol addiction, socialising or being in environments where alcohol consumption is normalised can be very difficult. Some may consider opting for an unsuspecting alcohol-free beverage to try and fit in. However, many are unaware of the risks associated with such beverages, including the dangers of non-alcoholic beer.   What is

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