Latest Blogs

Why the War on Drugs has Failed

3rd February 2017

This week we have been busy designing an infographic highlighting why the ‘War On Drugs” should be abolished. This ‘war’ has been ongoing since 1971. In that amount of time, the global trade in illicit drugs has gone from strength to strength. Clearly, this ‘War’ isn’t working. In this infographic, we explain how the war

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Top 80 Recovery Blogs of 2016

14th December 2016

Following the success of last year’s Top Recovery Blogs 2015, we’ve decided to continue this tradition for another year. This year has been an immensely strong one for recovery blogs, and we hope you will profit from the list of winners we’ve included below. We know we certainly did! Many of these bloggers are little-known.

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Cancers Caused by Alcohol ‘To kill 135,000 in Next 20 Years’

21st November 2016

A new study commissioned by Cancer Research and conducted by the University of Sheffield warns alcohol-related cancers could kill up to 135,000 people between now and 2035 if action is not taken to encourage people to reduce their drinking. The report says this might cost the NHS around £2Bn in treatment costs. The report recommends

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Minimum Alcohol Unit Pricing Policy See’s Fresh Appeals

21st November 2016

This is because the Scotch Whiskey Association (SWA) has lodged an appeal to the UK Supreme Court seeking to challenge the policy on groups it breaches EU trade laws. The Scottish Government has for many years now attempted to enforce the policy, which will force retailers to set a minimum unit price of 50p. However,

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[INFOGRAPHIC] The Shocking Facts About Alcohol Consumption

10th October 2016

In this candid and sensational infographic, we visually outline a number of startling facts concerning alcohol consumption in the United Kingdom. Specifically, this tell-all infographic reveals to you: The shocking event of binge drinking amongst the UK public The number of alcohol-related deaths that occurred during recent years Gender differences for the occurrence of alcohol

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England & Wales See’s Drug-Related Deaths At Record High

16th September 2016

The Government’s policy of dealing with drug and alcohol addiction was hit with fresh criticism this week. Why? Because official figures reveal drug-related deaths have hit record levels in both England and Wales, despite figures of drug use being lower than previous years. These figures counted coroners’ ruling during the year 2015. These deaths involved

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A Guide to Nutrition in Addiction Recovery

1st September 2016

The journey of addiction recovery from drugs or alcohol is a lifelong process, involving the revitalisation of mind, body, and spirit. A pivotal, yet sometimes overlooked component of this journey is restoring our nutritional well-being. Addiction can cause individuals to neglect nutritional health, leading to long periods of improper eating habits and malnutrition. Therefore, taking

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How To Overcome Your Internet Porn Addiction – Complete Guide

12th July 2016

How To Overcome Your Internet Porn Addiction – The Complete Guide In this post, we discuss the hot topic of Internet porn addiction. Millions of men across the globe are thought to be suffering with Internet porn addiction. A recent study says around 33% of males aged between 16-34 years old are addicted to Internet porn

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A-Z Guide to Veterans and Addiction

23rd June 2016

In this post, we discuss the topic of addiction amongst veterans. You may be surprised to learn that veterans are able to survive war zones but struggle to survive a peaceful environment when they return home. However, when veterans return from combat, they face multiple challenges as they adjust into ‘normal life’ outside of the

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Addiction and Suicide: What Is the Link?

31st May 2016

When you are addicted to any kind of substance or certain behaviours, there is always the risk of a wide range of dangers to your physical and mental health, so in terms of addiction and suicide – what is the link between the two? While more commonly, drug and alcohol users are often concerned with

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