Latest Blogs

Drinking and Anxiety

12th March 2021

Alcohol consumption is normalised here in the UK, even to the point where it’s used as a coping strategy. For some individuals, drinking alcohol can promote positive effects, such as relaxation and social engagement. However, for those with anxiety, this mix can be lethal. Anxiety is a mental health illness surrounding extreme worry, panic and concern. While the average person can digest worry and work

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Top tips to eat mindfully

5th March 2021

Whether we’re opting for a working lunch, or consuming unhealthy, convenient-like foods, as a nation, our eating habits are far from mindful status. In fact, many of us are likely to lack an understanding of mindful eating and the benefits that it can offer, especially for those with negative eating habits, behaviours and outlooks. Of

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How to Prevent Relapse

24th February 2021

Although avoiding any form of relapse is a positive goal to aim for, unfortunately, for some, it can be an unrealistic objective.  Relapse risks are likely for every recovering addict, as sadly, a cure for an addiction diagnosis doesn’t exist, meaning that recovery must be sustainable.   Within the first few weeks and months of sober living, relapse risks will be at their

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Family Member Addiction: How You Can Deal With It

18th February 2021

Addiction rates currently remain at their highest, where 1 in 11 people misuse drugs and alcohol, meaning that there’s a strong likelihood that you will know of someone who’s abusing addictive substances. While this reality can be difficult to digest, there’s even a likelihood that at some point, a family member may struggle with substance

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Tips To Protect Remote Workers Mental Health

12th February 2021

The global pandemic has seen 64% of employees across the United Kingdom forced to work from home during the last 12-months. Although remote working has been enforced to protect and save the lives of people across the world, isolation from colleagues, increased anxiety and even burnout has sadly taken its toll on approximately 80% of

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Advice for coping in lockdown – For children

5th February 2021

Coronavirus has resulted in unprecedented times for us all. We’ve experienced change like never before. Down to the churn of lockdowns, which we’re still experiencing, significant modifications to our routines, to our relationships and to our home lives have been one of the hardest adaptations to accept. Through that change, we mustn’t forget the impacts

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Are We Hooked on Prescription Drugs?

28th January 2021

Anti-depressants, opioid painkillers and benzodiazepines are all common prescription drugs, used to reduce and manage physical and psychological pain. Over 11.5 million people, in England alone, averagely receive prescriptions and regularly consume them. Perceived as harmless, down to the fact that they are prescribed by medical professionals, many individuals believe that addiction rates are low

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Crime and addiction

22nd January 2021

Living through the addiction cycle will carry its tests. Through the ongoing abuse of drugs, alcohol, other addictive substances or activities, negative consequences of addiction are likely. Health concerns are usually attached to the churn of substance abuse or the experience of other unhealthy activities. Relationship breakdowns, significant changes to personal outlooks, attitudes, behaviours and

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Health Risks Of Being Obese

15th January 2021

Across the United Kingdom, millions of people are clinically categorised as being obese.  Sadly, this has seen a wealth of individuals across the country experience the various health risks of being obese.   Obesity In The UK Obesity in the UK has unfortunately soared in the last few years.  At present, across the United Kingdom,

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The Impact of COVID-19 on Addiction & Mental Health

12th January 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed every aspect of people’s lives. Not just in the United Kingdom, but across the globe. There is an ongoing uncertainty as to when, or if, life will return to what we’re used to. The phrase “the new normal” has become a constant reminder of the strange times we find ourselves

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