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Tackling the Stigma Around Addiction

22nd October 2020

Unfortunately, addiction is the most stigmatised mental health issue. Yet, coincidentally, addiction is also the most diagnosed mental health issue, experienced on a global scale. The relationship and effects of stigma and addiction have developed for years. Negative perceptions of addicts, of initial causations of addiction, of addiction as a choice have materialised. Through this materialisation, many individuals, both men and women, across generations, across cultures, across geographical areas

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Alcohol and Diabetes

16th October 2020

Alcohol is a widely consumed legal substance, even by those with diabetes. While diabetes can be a serious, life-limiting condition, alcohol is still consumed, misused and abused by those with a diabetes diagnosis. In fact, many believe that heavy alcohol consumption can lead to type 2 diabetes, acting as causation. Others argue, on the other

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Has The Lockdown Worsened Britain’s Drink Problem?

9th October 2020

Some will argue that the impacts of the pandemic have heightened alcohol consumption. Others will share how precious time through lockdown, usually unavailable, has helped many individuals see the value of their health and wellbeing, by stopping or reducing alcohol consumption. All in all, the pandemic has transformed our drinking problem from one end of

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Addiction Recovery Online. How Effective is it?

29th September 2020

If you are struggling to maintain your sobriety, it is worth considering whether addiction recovery support online would help you. Coronavirus’ Impact on Drug and Alcohol Addictions As it became compulsory for rehabilitation services and organisations to close their doors to out-patients, charities including Kaleidoscope have reported that drug and alcohol referrals have decreased by

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The Effects Of Lockdown On Our Mental Health & Addiction

25th September 2020

Lockdown Effects on Long Term Mental Health Ever since the outbreak of COVID-19, lockdown has seen us isolated from our loved ones and unable to socialise in ways that we usually would. It has also seen us having to adapt and alter our everyday lives. In the UK alone, two-thirds of adults have stated that

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The Link Between Anxiety And Alcohol Consumption

18th September 2020

Relationship between alcohol consumption and anxiety Unfortunately, we now live in a world where mental health conditions are highly prevalent. Down to greater pressures in life, down to higher diagnoses rates, down to the inability to cope through everyday stresses, the likes of anxiety disorders are heightening. Years ago, anxiety was unheard of, apart from

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A Guide To Keeping Up Recovery After Leaving Rehab

11th September 2020

Completing a rehab is a major achievement. However, rehab is just the start of your recovery, as sobriety is a life long recovery process that will take a long time to master. Remaining clean and sober will take a huge amount of commitment and dedication and you’ll need to put into practice everything you’ve learnt

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Residential Rehabilitation vs. Outclient rehabilitation

24th August 2020

When addicts realise they’re powerless in their pursuit to control their addiction, they’ll hopefully come round to the idea that they require professional help. Depending on a client’s funding options, the range of rehabilitation offerings can be vast and confusing. For this reason this post aims to demystify the available rehabilitation options, and give people

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How to Help a Problem Gambler

19th August 2020

  Compulsive gambling can cause considerable strain on a variety of relationships, particularly between families, friends and colleagues. Problem gambling can in extreme circumstances lead to stealing, lying and cheating in order to conceal and feed gambling addiction. If you found this page it is likely you are currently experiencing problem gambling within your family

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Top 10 Tips to Help Parents of Drug Addict

10th August 2020

It’s every parent’s nightmare to discover their child is addicted to drugs. No matter what steps you took to avoid this situation we feel it true to say no parent is totally immune to this risk. If you find yourself in this situation then know you are not alone. You also need to know that

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