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The Serenity Prayer: What Is It & How Does it Help in Recovery

28th March 2019

The Serenity Prayer is short and sweet, yet used in recovery as a concise way of approaching what it means to combat addiction. Find out below what it is and how it can assist in resisting relapse and getting onto the road to recovery. What Is The Serenity Prayer? The Serenity Prayer goes as follows:

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Illicit drug use by 15-24 year olds: The Facts

20th March 2019

A government report compiled in 2016/17 and released by the Office of National Statistics revealed that 1 in 5 young people in England and Wales has taken illegal drugs. The actual number of people affected was 1.2 million. The most popular drug taken was cannabis, while the second was ecstasy, which saw a particular popularity

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20 of the Absolute Best Addiction Recovery Quotes of All Time – Top 5

14th March 2019

5. Addiction is the disease that makes you too selfish to see the havoc you created or care about the people whose lives you have shattered. 4. It’s gonna get harder before it gets easier. But it will get better, you just gotta make it through the hard stuff first. 3. Recovery is not for

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20 of the Absolute Best Addiction Recovery Quotes of All Time – 10th to 6th Position

14th March 2019

10. There is no shame in beginning again, for you get a chance to build bigger and better than before. 9. You don’t get over an addiction by stopping using. You recovery by creating a new life where it’s easier to not use. If you don’t create a new life, then all the factors that

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How To Get An Alcoholic Into Rehab

13th March 2019

Worrying about a loved one when they’re suffering from the weight of addiction is incredibly difficult; we understand that it takes courage and practicality to know how to get an alcoholic into rehab – which is why we’re here to help you navigate this struggle. Find out here the steps to getting somebody suffering from

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Does Rehab Work for Drug Addicts?

13th March 2019

Drug addiction affects millions of people worldwide, and you may be wondering, does rehab work for drug addicts? This depends on the person, the treatment programme and the person’s desire to become sober. Find out more about how rehab works for drug addicts and success rates below.   Common Signs of Drug Addiction Absolutely anybody

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Alcohol and Pregnancy

22nd January 2019

Drinking Alcohol During Pregnancy If you usually enjoy a drink or two, we understand that it can be frustrating to go tee-total if you’re pregnant, but this is the best and safest approach to adopt to ensure that your baby is safe from harm as it grows and develops. Being pregnant is a great opportunity

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Commonly Abused Illicit Drugs

16th January 2019

When someone mentions the word drugs, what do you immediately think of? Coffee, tea or alcohol? However, when someone mentions illicit drugs, perhaps the thoughts that run through many people’s mind are very different – and not necessarily negative. Some people have the impression that those who use drugs are glamorous like the celebrities who

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