Ladywood Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment Centres

To benefit from private rehab, it’s encouraged that you find the most suitable centre for your needs. The recovery process is personal, benefitting from bespoke and appropriate arrangements.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Ladywood

We have treatment centres in Ladywood

Before starting your admission into rehab, understanding, and prioritising your personal needs is a must. Anything from your location and budget to the amount of time that you have free to visit/check into rehab should be prioritised. With awareness, you’ll be prepared to find a CQC drug and alcohol rehab in Ladywood, ready for your referral.

By following our guidance, a private, personal, evidence-based rehabilitation programme will be available to you. At Ocean Recovery, our recommendations are bespoke, forming your own rehab experience and treatment programme.

Reach out by sharing your needs and expectations, ready to experience from our private rehab clinic. Whilst inpatient rehab is the most effective option, which we promote, rehab is flexible and accommodating, ready to support you in the best way possible.

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Are you suffering from Drug and Alcohol Addiction and need help? If so, Ocean Recovery is a leading UK based expert in Private Drug and Alcohol Rehab. Find out how we can help by getting in touch with our friendly team today. You can either call our confidential helpline or request a call-back by clicking on the below form.

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How to Find a Rehab in Ladywood?

You’ll want to find a drug and alcohol rehab in Ladywood which is registered under the CQC. This will make sure that standards of care are high. It will also ensure that medically recommended and assisted treatments and processes are in place.

A CQC private rehab will usually offer bespoke programmes filled with proven treatments and will also provide the options of inpatient and outpatient care. Securing this standard of rehab programme is encouraged, offering flexibility and effectiveness.

Alongside finding a local rehab clinic, it’s important to be aware of your needs and of what’s important to you. If you’re looking for urgent support, finding a private rehab that is immediately available will be key.

If you’re struggling with mental health issues, opting for a centre that specialises in dual diagnosis treatments will be important. If you require a flexible programme to complete alongside your responsibilities, making sure that outpatient services are offered will be a must.

Your needs can direct the offering of drug and alcohol rehab, especially through a private rehab centre.


Accessing Private Rehab

Once you’re prepared for rehab with your available options, a self-referral will be required. In some cases, a family and friend referral will motivate this step, yet if you’re personally enquiring, you can share your interest. By contacting our admissions team at Ocean Recovery, the process into private rehab will begin.

It will start with an assessment that will help to define your personal needs and wants. This is important to make sure that we can deliver the level of support, the pace, and the treatments that you’ll require. Assessing your drug and alcohol habits, symptoms, mental health, and your personal needs will be a confidential process, helping with our recommendations.

Our recommendations will follow which will form a bespoke treatment programme, ready for your admission. If you select inpatient rehab, arrangements will be made to help you check-in and adjust to your new environment. If you select outpatient rehab, a plan of action will be created, along with your first treatment date.

Your initial exposure to a private drug and alcohol rehab in Ladywood will make sure that you’re comfortable and ready for treatment. Your admission will then be completed, ready to start addiction treatment.


What Happens Through Inpatient Rehab?

Inpatient rehab is the most recommended option to treat addiction. It’s a rapid, intense process that requires full, immediate commitment.

By checking into a drug and alcohol rehab in Ladywood, you can look to complete treatment at this pace, averagely over a 28-day period. With access to 24/7 support, ideal recovery environments and a range of supportive services, inpatient rehab is an all-around rehabilitation experience.

On admission, you will be provided with your own space, programme, and dedicated team. Treatments will then begin, commonly starting with a detoxification process. Drug and alcohol withdrawal will be aimed for, possible through a medically assisted, safe detox.

Addiction treatment sessions will then focus on psychological recovery, which will be led by a team of specialist counsellors and psychiatrists. Talking therapies, one-to-one sessions and group therapy will be recommended. The likes of cognitive behavioural therapy, family therapy and motivational therapy will be effective at this stage of rehab.

As inpatient rehab is proactive and progressive, additional recovery steps are inclusive. Mental health support, wellbeing management and relapse prevention planning are all offered. Each will improve health and stability, will offer a future plan of action, and will reduce the risks of relapse.

Inpatient rehab is extremely effective as it offers all necessities to recover. Yet outpatient rehab is still a valid option, suitable for milder symptoms and for longer timeframes.

Our Rehab Facilities

At Ocean Recovery, we are extremely proud of our state-of-the-art facility. We provide residents with the most relaxing stay possible and they can enjoy our modern establishment.

Ocean Recovery Facilities include:

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CQC Registered

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FREE Transportation Included

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Medically Assisted Detoxification

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2 Executive, Sea View Double Ensuite Rooms

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 8 Double or Single Ensuite Rooms

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3 Single Rooms with Dedicated Separate Bathroom

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Comfortable Communal Lounge with Piano & Sky TV

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Beautiful Modern Dining Lounge

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External Courtyard and Outside Seating Area

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12 Months FREE Aftercare

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Regular Contact with Loved Ones Encouraged

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Large Multi-Purpose Group Activity Room with Superb Sea Views

Images of Our Facilities

Facilities at Ocean Recovery

    living room
    dining room with table
    group room
    group room
    Ocean Recovery Rehab Group Room
living room
dining room with table
group room
group room
Ocean Recovery Rehab Group Room
See More of Our Facilities


Cost and Length of Drug and Alcohol Rehab

There are a number of factors that can impact both the cost and length of rehab. Your chosen drug and alcohol rehab clinic will firstly impact this, as each centre will offer different types of programmes. The specialism and location of your centre will also impact the cost.

Your selection between inpatient and outpatient rehab will also have an impact. Inpatient rehab is a quicker process, over 28 days. Yet it does cost more than outpatient rehab. For a lower-cost programme, outpatient rehab is available, yet can take a number of months to complete.

Your response to addiction treatment, your personal circumstances and your symptoms will also direct the length of your programme. If you have additional issues to address, greater levels of treatment may be required, prolonging, and increasing the cost of rehab.

Private rehab can be affordable and can be proactive if you make the right selections for your needs. It’s highly flexible to accommodate and provide the right addiction recovery experience.


Starting the Admission Process at Ocean Recovery

To access a drug and alcohol rehab in Ladywood you can start your admission with our team at Ocean Recovery. A confidential process will follow to arrange your drug and alcohol rehabilitation programme.

Reach out to benefit from a bespoke, evidence-based programme, best completed through inpatient private rehab.

Frequently Asked Questions

Choosing the right rehab treatment provider can be a life-changing decision; here are some of the most common questions we are asked pre-admission.

What is it like to attend rehab?

Initially, it can feel daunting, whether you visit rehab through outpatient services or check into it for inpatient services. Yet once adjustments are made, attending rehab is a highly positive and worthwhile commitment.

Rehab is a recovery designed platform, which offers privacy, direction, and all-around support. It can result in life-changing outcomes, which we’re here to motivate here at Ocean Recovery.

Is long term sobriety achievable?

Sobriety can be achieved through rehab itself. Yet to maintain it, your post-rehab lifestyle and choices will need to disregard future drug and alcohol abuse. By committing to sobriety, it can be achieved for the long term, easing over time.

How do I prepare myself for rehab?

You should prepare yourself for rehab, to increase your initial acceptance and comfort. Preparing your time, resources and admission will be recommended. Doing so with some personal support will be advantageous.

It’s also encouraged to prepare yourself mentally, by becoming aware of what’s ahead through rehab, and long-term recovery.

We can help you prepare at Ocean Recovery, by finding and arranging your own rehab programme, ready for your admission.