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Is Getting Drunk and Saying Hurtful Things Normal?

22nd September 2023

Getting drunk and saying hurtful things is an unpleasant experience; however, it may be more common than you think. In this article, we will discuss the relationship between alcohol consumption and the way we behave. We’ll explain how alcohol impacts the brain and our behaviour, the reasons why we might say hurtful things when we’re drunk,

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Is There a Genetic Link to Addiction?

15th September 2023

With addiction being a common disease that impacts millions across the globe, many people wonder, is there a genetic link to addiction? In this article, we discuss the genetic link to addiction, along with how other influencing factors, such as environment, can also play a pivotal role in addiction development.   Is There a Genetic

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Does Your Body Reject Alcohol When Pregnant?

1st September 2023

In the UK, alcohol is a large part of the culture – whether you drink or not. Not only do you have to worry about binge drinking and potential alcohol addiction, but women seeking to get pregnant or worried about the possibility need to be more aware of the dangers of drinking. Alcohol and pregnancy

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How to Quit Vaping

25th August 2023

Vaping has become increasingly popular in recent years, especially among young people. Although it is not considered to be as bad as smoking cigarettes, vaping is not without its risks. Vaping contains a number of harmful chemicals and is known to be very addictive, particularly disposable vapes. If you are thinking about quitting vaping, there

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Are Swollen Lymph Nodes After Drinking Normal?

18th August 2023

When an individual consumes alcohol, a number of effects take place in the body. What’s more, many of these effects can be felt the next day after drinking – depending on how much alcohol is consumed, the type of alcohol consumed and a series of individual factors. One such consequence of drinking is swollen lymph

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The Effect of Alcoholic Parents on Children

11th August 2023

The Effect of Alcoholic Parents on Children As parents, we are sure that you will always want to do the best for your children. And a part of that is considering how your actions may inadvertently hurt them. Alcoholism or simply just heavy alcohol abuse often has an impact on your child. You may tell

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How Does Psychedelic Therapy Work?

4th August 2023

What is Psychedelic Therapy? Psychedelic therapy, also known as psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy, or PAP, refers to a therapeutic approach that incorporates the controlled use of psychedelic substances to assist in the treatment of various mental health conditions. These substances typically include substances like psilocybin (found in “magic mushrooms”), lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), and in some cases,

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Is Weed More Dangerous than Alcohol?

28th July 2023

Have you ever wondered, is weed more dangerous than alcohol? Or maybe the other way around? If so, this is the right place to find answers. This article discusses the differences between these two substances, along with the impacts and associated risks. So, get ready as we try to find out which is more dangerous

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What is Drunkorexia?

21st July 2023

Drunkorexia is when a person routinely limits the amount they eat before or after they drink alcohol. There are a few different reasons why a person may do this. The first is that alcohol tends to cause a stronger reaction on an empty stomach. So the less you eat, the more you feel intoxicated by

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Is Rehab Confidential?

14th July 2023

Rehabilitation is a dedicated treatment programme to help people who suffer from drug or alcohol addiction, and rehab programmes have numerous benefits that can help you lead a normal life with a positive future. However, some people may be concerned about confidentiality and whether rehab is private. It is known that if you are entering

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