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Mental Health Implications Of Long Covid

20th August 2021

With the continuing vaccine rollout and more people protecting themselves from Covid 19 it feels like we are in the aftermath of Covid. The phrase “new normal” is being widely used and we are coming to terms with living with the virus that has decimated our way of living for the past 18 months. Despite

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How Can Rehab Support My Mental Health?

13th August 2021

Whether you’re struggling through independent mental health symptoms, or you’re displaying signs of a dual diagnosis, targeted and suitable support will be invaluable. Available through rehab, all-around recovery can be aimed for, including mental health rehabilitation. Damagingly, the stigma surrounding mental health issues makes it very difficult to reach out for and accept professional help. Yet, untreated or mistreated mental health issues and/or dual diagnosis of substance

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What Does Addiction Treatment Involve?

6th August 2021

However, before taking the first step in securing treatment, it is normal for you to have several unanswered questions, such as “what does addiction treatment involve?”. Although there is no straightforward answer to this particular question, here at Ocean Recovery, we have shared a wealth of information to help you understand what addiction treatment involves

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Has Prescription Drug Use Increased?: Everything You Need to Know

30th July 2021

Has Prescription Drug Use Increased?: Everything You Need to Know While the focus is often on illegal drug use when it comes to addiction, sadly, we’re seeing an increase in prescription drug use and abuse in the UK and beyond. That being said, it is important to understand why this is happening, how we can

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Can CBD be Effective in Addiction Recovery?

28th July 2021

Director of Rehab Clinics Group and Ocean Recovery Centre; John Gillen sat down with Psychiatrist Dr Alexander Lapa to find out whether CBD can be an affective aide against addiction and gather a more in depth understanding of the benefits and draw backs of CBD. What is the fuss around CBD? Currently, it appears the

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What Causes Alcohol Addiction?

23rd July 2021

Across the world, individuals struggling with alcohol addictions continue to be portrayed in a negative light.  However, alcohol addictions do not discriminate. If you have to come to realise that an alcohol addiction is impairing the quality of your life, you may be somewhat bewildered when considering what has caused you to become addicted to

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Diagnosing Addiction

16th July 2021

It can feel extremely daunting to be diagnosed with addiction. Your diagnosis may be a shock to you, you may feel lost in a complex process, or you may feel like you’re being judged for your condition. It’s natural to in fact experience a mixture of emotions, on diagnosis, as there are many unfamiliar encounters ahead. Being diagnosed

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How to Help Someone Struggling with Anxiety

9th July 2021

It is difficult to watch a family member or friend experience anxiety and it can have a crippling effect on family safety and daily tasks. However, if you know someone struggling with anxiety, or you are experiencing the symptoms of anxiety yourself, there are steps that can be put in place to provide help and

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Link Between Alcohol and Mental Health

9th July 2021

Each year, 1 in every 4 people, here in the UK experience symptoms of mental health conditions. From depression to anxiety and panic disorders, a quarter of the population, to some degree, struggle with balancing, digesting, and managing their emotions and outlooks. One reason for this is heavy alcohol consumption. While alcohol may be seen as a reliever of mental health struggles, there is in fact a

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The Best Apps To Help You Quit Smoking

11th June 2021

There is NHS quit smoking help available, many people find that replacement therapies like nicotine gum can help and some may find techniques such as hypnotherapy to be valuable. In the digital age, when most people now have a smartphone to hand throughout the day, quit smoking apps can provide another helping hand.   The

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