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How Many Units in a Glass of Wine?
31st May 2023How many units are in a standard glass of wine? A typical-strength medium (175ml) glass of wine has around 2.3 units of alcohol. When we break this down a little further into numbers, we can see that according to official websites, the range of ABV for unfortified wine is about 5.5% to 16%, with an
Read MoreSigns of Compulsive Overeating
25th May 2023Compulsive overeating is a common type of eating disorder that involves a person regularly eating large amounts of food over a short space of time until they are left feeling uncomfortably full. Find out what this condition is, the symptoms and signs of compulsive overeating, as well as the health risks of this eating disorder.
Read MoreHow Long Does Cocaine Stay in Your System?
19th May 2023Cocaine is a stimulant that was once used medicinally, but it’s now more commonly known as a recreational party drug. Over the decades, it has become more prevalent among casual drug takers. Its rise in popularity has led to more people developing a cocaine addiction. If you use cocaine, you may think that once the
Read More5 Benefits of Quitting Alcohol
26th April 2023Do you worry that you’re drinking too much alcohol? Perhaps you’ve wondered what it would be like if you stopped drinking altogether. There are a number of benefits of quitting alcohol, from improved mood and well-being to relationships with family. Whether you’re looking to save some money or want to live a healthier lifestyle both
Read MoreHow Effective are Addiction Treatment Programmes?
11th April 2023Are you wondering if an addiction treatment programme is effective? Learn about the effectiveness of drug and alcohol rehab here. Types of Addiction Treatment Programmes Starting a journey to long-term recovery can be difficult. It involves accepting that a time in your life is over and that you need help moving forward. Thankfully you
Read MoreWhy is Aftercare Important in Long-Term Addiction Recovery?
25th March 2023Aftercare is a simple and effective treatment that prevents a person who is facing addiction experience a relapse after alcohol rehab. Sometimes, addiction relapse happens even when provided with relapse prevention techniques, however, aftercare sessions make the risk much less likely. Due to the supportive environment group sessions create and the ongoing encouragement that is
Read MoreThe Effects of Drug and Alcohol Abuse on Oral Health
23rd March 2023The negative impact that drugs and alcohol have on the body and mind are plentiful, but one that can often go overlooked is the effect that it has on our oral health. Whether it’s the effect of alcohol on teeth, or what drugs can do to your oral health and gums, none of it is
Read MoreHow to Have Difficult Conversations with a Loved One About Addiction?
17th March 2023Drug and alcohol addiction is a disease that is incredibly common, however, it boasts numerous issues that can occur with your mental and physical health combined. Oftentimes, people ruled by addiction do not appreciate that there is a problem. Denial is a common factor of addiction and can cause numerous issues at work, at home
Read MoreSleep and Alcohol: What is the Effect of Alcohol on Sleep?
24th February 2023Alcohol can affect not only your waking hours but also when you try to sleep. Once it has you, there is no real escape from addiction, and private drug and alcohol rehab might be the only option. To stop alcohol from affecting how much sleep you get and the quality of it, you may need
Read MoreHow to Build a Support System for the Alcoholic in Your Life
20th February 2023In order to be able to successfully manage and treat alcohol addiction, there must be an understanding also. Understanding this disease involves learning about how it develops and the ways in which your brain deals with addiction. Helping anyone with alcohol addiction comes from a need to change and a desire to get them healthy.
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