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How Long Does MDMA Stay in Your System?

7th July 2023

MDMA is scientifically known as Methyl​enedioxy​methamphetamine and is most commonly known as ecstasy. It is a potent stimulant that has a similar chemical structure to amphetamine. It can be used as a stimulant and psychedelic with an energising effect, also often altering reality and is a highly dangerous drug that is responsible for numerous deaths

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Why Do Drugs Cause Weight Loss?

30th June 2023

Substance misuse and drug addiction can have a lot of harmful effects on your physical and mental health. The exact risks will vary depending on the drug involved and other factors, including the heaviness and duration of use. One potential impact is that some drugs may cause or contribute to fluctuations in your weight. In

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Does Cocaine Cause Cancer?

23rd June 2023

Does cocaine cause cancer? It’s a worrisome thought, but one that often finds itself on people’s minds. Cocaine use has been linked to a number of physical and mental health problems, including addiction, the risk of overdose, raised blood pressure, an increased risk of heart attack and a range of mental health problems such as

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Why is Vaping So Addictive?

16th June 2023

Quitting smoking is hard and whilst nicotine addiction is not as destructive as alcoholism or a substance drug addiction, it can have serious effects on your life. Since its introduction in the mid-2000s, vaping has been marketed and widely accepted as a safer and healthier alternative to cigarettes. However, vaping has dangers of its own

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The Link Between ADHD and Drug Addiction

9th June 2023

ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and studies show that some individuals suffering with ADHD also turn to substance misuse. Here, we explore the link between ADHD and drug addiction and highlight what you can do if you’re concerned about your own behaviour or a loved one. Understanding ADHD and Its Impact on Mental

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How Many Units in a Glass of Wine?

31st May 2023

How many units are in a standard glass of wine? A typical-strength medium (175ml) glass of wine has around 2.3 units of alcohol. When we break this down a little further into numbers, we can see that according to official websites, the range of ABV for unfortified wine is about 5.5% to 16%, with an

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Signs of Compulsive Overeating

25th May 2023

Compulsive overeating is a common type of eating disorder that involves a person regularly eating large amounts of food over a short space of time until they are left feeling uncomfortably full. Find out what this condition is, the symptoms and signs of compulsive overeating, as well as the health risks of this eating disorder.

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How Long Does Cocaine Stay in Your System?

19th May 2023

Cocaine is a stimulant that was once used medicinally, but it’s now more commonly known as a recreational party drug. Over the decades, it has become more prevalent among casual drug takers. Its rise in popularity has led to more people developing a cocaine addiction.  If you use cocaine, you may think that once the

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5 Benefits of Quitting Alcohol

26th April 2023

Do you worry that you’re drinking too much alcohol? Perhaps you’ve wondered what it would be like if you stopped drinking altogether. There are a number of benefits of quitting alcohol, from improved mood and well-being to relationships with family. Whether you’re looking to save some money or want to live a healthier lifestyle both

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How Effective are Addiction Treatment Programmes?

11th April 2023

Are you wondering if an addiction treatment programme is effective? Learn about the effectiveness of drug and alcohol rehab here.   Types of Addiction Treatment Programmes Starting a journey to long-term recovery can be difficult. It involves accepting that a time in your life is over and that you need help moving forward. Thankfully you

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