Enfield Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment Centres

Get help with a drug or alcohol addiction in Enfield.

Drug Rehab Enfield

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres in Enfield

Across England, thousands of people struggle with drug and alcohol addictions every day.  Yet only a fraction seek treatment.

If you live in Enfield and find that your life has become impaired by an addiction, you must contact a drug and alcohol rehab in Enfield to discuss treatment.

Like many others, if you know that you require treatment but would prefer to attend a rehab away from your hometown, we can offer you treatment here at Ocean Recovery.


Detoxification Will Help You Withdraw From Substances In A Safe Space

As you enter our rehab and embark on a treatment programme, you will find that you are firstly required to complete a detoxification programme.  This is because detoxification will help you withdraw from the substances you have become reliant on in a safe space.

Medically induced, our detoxification programmes flush harmful toxins that are administered throughout an addiction from your brain and body.

Overseen by our team of medical professionals and doctors, when you undergo detoxification, it is normal for you to experience withdrawal symptoms.  Although alarming and often uncomfortable, withdrawal symptoms signal that detoxification is working.

If you find the withdrawal symptoms you encounter to be unbearable during detoxification, our medical team will prescribe medication that can help alleviate the symptoms.


Psychological, Well-Being and Holistic Therapies Are Incorporated Into Our Treatment Programmes

At Ocean Recovery, we are committed to helping you overcome your addiction. To ensure that you can do so, we incorporate psychological, well-being and holistic therapies into our treatment programmes.

Although the therapies you encounter during your time in our rehab will be dependent upon the severity of your addiction and the impact prolonged substance abuse has had on your psychological health, therapy will assist you in overcoming your addiction in several ways.

For example, psychological therapy will encourage you to discuss your addiction with a recovery specialist.  As you do so, you will begin to understand why your life has become impaired by an addiction.  You will also come to appreciate the factors that have contributed to the development of your addiction.

In contrast, well-being therapy will assist you as you develop coping strategies.  From yoga to art therapy and relaxation and sleep management to low-level laser therapy, our well-being therapies will ensure that you are able to maintain your recovery beyond your time in our rehab.

While holistic therapies are often overlooked, at Ocean Recovery, our holistic therapies help the mind and body align.

As and when you commence treatment at our rehab, we will discuss our therapies with you.  We will also inform you of the therapies you may encounter should you attend our rehab instead of a drug and alcohol rehab in Enfield when you make initial contact with us.


Aftercare Support Will Help You Maintain Your Sobriety

Following your time in our rehab, we will provide you with 12-months of free aftercare support.

Aftercare support will help you maintain your sobriety.  It will also ensure that you have the ability to attend weekly catch up groups to share your recovery with others.

If you had hoped to attend a drug and alcohol rehab in Enfield, we can help you find appropriate aftercare support closer to home.  However, we highly recommend taking advantage of the aftercare support we can offer you.


To Secure A Long-Term Recovery, You Must Be Willing To Commit To Your Recovery

During your time in our rehab, you will essentially be protected from external influences that could cause you to relapse.  You will also have around the clock care and support from our team of professionals.  However, as you complete your treatment, you will be expected to continue your recovery at home.

Recovering from a drug or alcohol addiction is not easy.  Returning home after treatment will see you once again face the factors that contributed to the development of your addiction.  However, armed with a relapse prevention plan and aftercare support, your recovery can be maintained.

Although you will have additional support as you return home, throughout your recovery, you will find that some days are better than others.  You will also find that there are times when you feel ready to throw the towel in and give up.

Considering this, to secure a long-term recovery, you must be willing to commit to your recovery through the good and the bad.

Not only will fully committing to your recovery ensure that you are able to secure a future free from the shackles of addiction, but it will enable you to live a healthy and happy life.

If you do not believe that you are ready to commit to your recovery or give up substances completely, you may find it somewhat difficult to stay away from drugs and alcohol.  You may also find that you are easily tempted.  Sadly, this could cause you to relapse.


If You Are Ready To Commit To A Long-Term Recovery, You Must Secure Treatment

If you are ready to commit to a long-term recovery, you must secure treatment either via a drug and alcohol rehab in Enfield or our rehab as soon as possible.

Not only will commencing treatment as soon as possible give you the best chance of making a long-term recovery, but it will also ensure that you reduce your risk of experiencing the various health problems, such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, memory loss and mental health problems, that are frequently associated with drug and alcohol addictions.

Should you find yourself struggling to secure treatment via a drug and alcohol rehab in Enfield, we welcome you to refer yourself to our residential rehab.  Located in Blackpool, we provide treatment on a residential basis.


Enquire About Our Addiction Treatment Today

Combining traditional and non-traditional treatments, we can assist you in overcoming your addiction to drugs or alcohol.

If you would like to enquire about our addiction treatment or refer yourself for treatment at our residential rehab, please call us on 01253 847 553. For an immediate callback, you can also text HELP to 83222.