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Does Rehab Work for Drug Addicts?

13th March 2019

Drug addiction affects millions of people worldwide, and you may be wondering, does rehab work for drug addicts? This depends on the person, the treatment programme and the person’s desire to become sober. Find out more about how rehab works for drug addicts and success rates below.   Common Signs of Drug Addiction Absolutely anybody

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Alcohol and Pregnancy

22nd January 2019

Drinking Alcohol During Pregnancy If you usually enjoy a drink or two, we understand that it can be frustrating to go tee-total if you’re pregnant, but this is the best and safest approach to adopt to ensure that your baby is safe from harm as it grows and develops. Being pregnant is a great opportunity

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Commonly Abused Illicit Drugs

16th January 2019

When someone mentions the word drugs, what do you immediately think of? Coffee, tea or alcohol? However, when someone mentions illicit drugs, perhaps the thoughts that run through many people’s mind are very different – and not necessarily negative. Some people have the impression that those who use drugs are glamorous like the celebrities who

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How Do I Help A Drug Addict?

15th January 2019

“How do I help a drug addict?”.  Unfortunately, this is a common question we receive from loved ones here at Ocean Recovery. If you know or suspect that someone you care about has developed an addiction to drugs, please remember that there is hope for recovery. In this article, you’ll find information on how drug

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Alcohol and Mental Health in The UK Armed Forces (Infographic)

9th December 2018

Armed Forces personnel, both currently serving and veterans, can suffer from mental health problems and subsequent alcoholism. Specifically, those who have seen combat are more likely to struggle with mental health issues and alcohol addiction. Combat situations are extremely distressing; many soldiers who have been in battle or witnessed horrific scenes can come back with

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Top 20 Quotes on Mental Health

4th December 2018

Those who struggle with alcohol addiction and drug addiction know how much of a role mental health plays in recovery. The two illnesses are often interlinked; nearly 40% of people addicted to alcohol have a co-existing mental health issue, and 45% of cocaine addicts have a mental health problem. Does poor mental health contribute to

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Effects of Alcohol on Society: Addiction & Social Impacts

29th October 2018

Alcohol addiction has caused many families, relationships, and marriages to break apart, but on a broader scale – what are the effects of alcohol on society? Alcohol also has a profound socio-economic effect, which is why here we will be looking at the effect of alcohol abuse in society and how alcohol addiction in particular,

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Young People are Increasingly Smoking Crack

27th September 2018

According to latest research, crack cocaine use is on the rise within the age group under-25. The number of people looking for rehab in order to get clean off crack in the United Kingdom has increased by thirty percent in 2017 in comparison in 2016. A very worrying number. In this blog, we will investigate the

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