Latest Blogs

Is Addiction A Disease Or A Choice?

6th December 2019

Although an ever-increasing amount of research now indicates that addiction is in fact a form of brain disorder rather than a conscious choice, many people still suffer from the stigma that is attached to drug or alcohol addiction. As with raising awareness that has come with mental health issues, there is no reason why addiction

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Big Pharma Under Fire For The Opioid Crisis

28th November 2019

As the opioid crisis continues to grow in America, it is gratifying to many that the multibillion dollar companies who manufacture and distribute the drugs are beginning to face the consequences of their actions. In August of this year, an Oklahoma judge ruled against Johnson & Johnson, a company which manufactures prescription opioids and also

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PTSD and Addiction

22nd November 2019

Although seemingly unrelated conditions, PTSD and addiction are commonly diagnosed together. Those who develop PTSD because of a traumatic event or experience often use alcohol or drugs to manage and cope with their symptoms. Drug and alcohol substance abuse can become just as much of a problem as PTSD symptoms, and those suffering from both

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The Dangers of Non-Alcoholic Beer

19th November 2019

For those in recovery from alcohol addiction, socialising or being in environments where alcohol consumption is normalised can be very difficult. Some may consider opting for an unsuspecting alcohol-free beverage to try and fit in. However, many are unaware of the risks associated with such beverages, including the dangers of non-alcoholic beer.   What is

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The Dangers & Effects of Casual Cocaine Use

14th November 2019

Nobody is exempt from suffering the weight of addiction; you should be aware that the key risks and effects of casual cocaine use include addiction.  Find out here what happens when you continue with recreational cocaine use and how it is a slippery slope to negative consequences.

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The Dangers Of Enabling Addiction

5th November 2019

When someone we care about is struggling with substance abuse, it’s very common for those around them to slip into behaviours that enable this addiction. These acts of enabling typically come from a place of love, as it’s hard to watch someone you love suffer. However, enabling addiction can be detrimental to their recovery journey,

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The Choice Between Alcohol And Freedom

30th October 2019

One of the things that addicts on the road to recovery come up against often is the idea that their addiction is a choice and not an illness. It is this stigma that can cause addicts to avoid admitting that they have a problem, making it less likely that they will ever recover. However, it

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Middlesbrough Is Becoming A Hub For Heroin

30th October 2019

A growing heroin problem in Middlesbrough, North East England, has raised concerns that the town is becoming a hub for heroin in the United Kingdom. The Middlesbrough heroin problem is starting to draw in addicts from other towns and cities due to the relatively cheap price of heroin and it being one of the most

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Alcohol Abuse and Chefs

28th October 2019

Known as the industry’s “dirty little secret”, alcohol abuse appears to be rife in the hospitality industry with chefs and other food industry workers being the most affected. This issue was made more widespread by celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay, who has given interviews and even produced a documentary on the issue. Alcohol abuse and chefs

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