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10 Signs Of An Online Shopping Addiction

23rd July 2020

How often do you shop online? Are you able to make rational purchases of items you actually require? Unfortunately, for a proportion of individuals, this can be extremely difficult to control, down to an online shopping addiction. Although a primary diagnosis of an online shopping addiction is yet to be made, many individuals across the

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Top 10 Tips on Planning and Holding an Intervention

30th June 2020

Have you been witnessing a loved one or friend suffer through addiction or mental health issues for some time? This can be an extremely tough process for all individuals. Have you already attempted to offer a degree of support and empathy, yet you feel like you’re getting nowhere? This is very common when looking to tackle an addiction.   One of the most

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Women and Alcoholism

30th June 2020

An addiction can impact any individual no matter their age, gender, ethnicity, background or status in the world. However, now more than ever, alcoholism seems to be affecting women rapidly.   Recent research carried out by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) has recognised a concerning rise in the link between women and alcoholism. For years, alcoholism and addictive behaviours have been stereotyped around male figures. However, as life

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Is Alcohol a Depressant?

30th June 2020

Alcohol is branded as a stimulant. It’s commonly used to mark an occasion, to lift the mood, to relax. However, the truth is, alcohol is a depressant. It is an addictive drug, which in time, affects the mind significantly, with a high correlating link with depression.   Those who abuse alcohol, in the moment, believe that it is improving their state of

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The Best Books For Addiction Recovery: Our Picks

9th June 2020

Are you working through addiction recovery? Are you hoping to find personal coping strategies to incorporate into your healthy routines? Are you aiming to distract yourself from your previous drug and alcohol addiction?  Coping strategies will differ for all individuals. This can be down to temperament, underlying causations and the organic formation and maintenance of

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Best Apps For Addiction Recovery

5th June 2020

Addiction recovery is a long-term commitment. Although tangible addiction treatment and guidance is available throughout both rehab and aftercare services, personal recovery efforts must be maintained.   One of the easiest ways to keep track of your recovery efforts, in today’s digital era is by utilising apps for addiction recovery. From tracking your progress and monitoring

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Britain’s Obsession With Cocaine is Fuelling A Cocaine Addiction Epidemic

2nd June 2020

Year on year, cocaine consumption rates are growing globally. Yet, concerningly, Britain now ranks as the most populated nation in Europe for cocaine abuse and first-time addiction diagnoses.   Cocaine has been abused for years, down to its powerful stimulating effects. Throughout the decades it’s been glamorised, associated with the sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll

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Making Cannabis Legal Would Lead To An Explosion In Cases Of Psychosis – Leading Professor Claims

28th April 2020

One of Britain’s top psychologists has warned that legalising marijuana in the UK could result in an explosion of psychosis sufferers. According to Professor Sir Robin Murray, a leading authority on mental health, research has found that, in places where the drug is legalised, people tend to smoke it more frequently, and in stronger forms.

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